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Firm flaccid penis

Originally Posted by sad_dreamer
Erm hi I hope I’m not posting something stupid but here’s my two cents anyways..

I was wondering if you could be flexing your pelvic floor muscles (the ones you use in kegel exercises), involuntarily of course. Indeed I suffer CPPS (chronic pelvic pain syndrome) which according to some literature on the subject is caused by unconsciounsly contracting the pelvic muscles, resulting in loads of nasty symptoms. More to the subject : the flexing can be caused by various things such as high levels of stress, trauma and so on.. I have however noticed my penis - which tends to be quite hard even flaccid- softens up when I do relaxation exercises which I use to treat my symptoms. It also hardens up (and shrinks :( ) whenever I am nervous, stand up for a long period of time or after sex.

Well, you could try palpating you pelvic floor muscles to check how tense they are. If it happens your muscles are hard to some extent, maybe you could consider some sort of relaxation techniques.

If not, I hope you can get this problem solved.

Yours, dreamy-head.

Welcome, Sad_Dreamer! Good first post.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Not quite as successful as I’d like. The matter is getting the changes permanent (and really I don’t mind that much if my penis stays tense, I’m more worried about the other nasty things I experience but that’s another story.).

Here are some tips I’ve found useful however: the first is to try and relax abdominal, lower back, chest and buttocks muscles. The second one is to try and not reverse kegel but simply let the tension subside. Thank you for the welcome by the way :) .

sad_dreamer, I think you are correct in your assessment that muscle tension is playing a big part in this. Good luck. My belief is you can overcome just about anything with total commitment, and the right technique.


Well in my case I think the spasms are actually the muscles contracting. I have experienced some fluttering maybe 2 months ago near the base of my penis on the underside. After the fluttering my penis was relaxed and soft. The fluttering certainly felt like a release of pressure. However, I haven´t experienced any clear fluttering after that. But I do suffer from involuntary pc-muscle contractions.

Btw I had a good normal six days now, but again my penis got rigid yesterday. It seems that powerful natural erections somehow damage the penis over and over and it then retracts again. Then after a good complete rest it then returns to normal. Capacity to morning erections is essential I think. Now I´ve gotten up to at least 50% of mornings with something of a morning wood. Sometimes better and sometimes worse. Light jelqing the prior day might be helpful but I´m not 100% on that. After any, even extremely light jelging, the penis tends to shrivel and get rigid.

All I can say is that there is a clear connection with the contractions and the coldness/rigidness. But at the moment I don´t know if the contractions are a response to the fact that blood isn´t getting in to the penis or the reason behind it.

I also feel that the firm flaccid penis feels tired all the time because of the pressure. That is why sex isn´t tempting at all during the symptoms. And when the symptoms are gone, sex feels great again.


I believe that I possibly did injure myself at the very base of the penis. I was trying to start my jelqs and Ulis from as close to the body as possible when I injured and it was my first time of trying to get so close to the base. I also recognise the feeling of the penis hanging loose when i suffer from rigidness/coldness.

Last edited by 229233 : 01-08-2008 at .

Jelqing is a very powerful practice, and should perhaps be treated with more respect than it sometimes gets. After reading Sparkyx’s posts on EQ and PI, I decided to cut down my Jelqs until the point where morning wood was not affected. Guess what? I got down to 2 minuets per day! So my motto as far as jelqing goes is: “approach with caution”.

As you are recovering from an injury, you need to be hyper-cautious IMO.

I am of course a big believer in the “less is more” way of life.

Any updates guys?

Originally Posted by marky777
Jelqing is a very powerful practice, and should perhaps be treated with more respect than it sometimes gets. After reading Sparkyx’s posts on EQ and PI, I decided to cut down my Jelqs until the point where morning wood was not affected. Guess what? I got down to 2 minuets per day! So my motto as far as jelqing goes is: “approach with caution”.

As you are recovering from an injury, you need to be hyper-cautious IMO.

I am of course a big believer in the “less is more” way of life.


I think that you would be more successful in your PE if you either jelqed or danced, but not both at the same time.

Minutes, Marky777, not minuets.

For Lampwick, becoming hung like a donkey was the result of a total commitment.

Everybody suffering from flaccid firmness:

I started to do stretching 10 days ago and the results have been very encouraging. The penis doesn´t feel achy anymore because it stays softer when flaccid. And the erection quality has improved significantly. I think I´m on my way of getting over this problem. I guess the stretching somehow improved the circulation to a level where blood can get to the penis without any voluntary or involuntary muscle contractions.


I am a better dancer than I am a speller.
As for PE, I gained 1/2 an inch in EL in one month, and then stopped for six weeks. The gain proved permanent. I have just started up again, going even lighter than before! I will be posting my results on Sparkyx’s threads in due course.

I was lucky enough to have had the time to read a HUGE amount of archived material on this site, and made good use of the search facility to follow up on people’s progress. Thus I discovered, that the single biggest cause of lack of gains was over-training.

Does anybody think it would make sense that the rubbery and firm flaccid penis syndrome could be caused by the fact that the small emissary veins that are supposed to drain the corpora cavernosa could be trombosed or damaged? I´ve found a few people on the internet discussion threads that are suffering from the same flaccid firmness and all of them say that detumescence now takes longer time than before. Many claim to have damaged themselves at the base by only masturbating. And everybody claims that the damage feels on only one side of the penis.

I also found information on high flow priapism symptoms which was very interesting because I think the symptoms remind of mine. Check out case number 3.

How’s it going, guys?

Well I have read all of your posts, I’m not very experienced in this subject.

But could please someone tell me where I should start to recover this hard flaccid dick.
It can be all from heat-tips to relaxing-tips.
All help will be appreciated
This is turning out to be very annoying for me.

I can’t offer any help unfortuantly but some experiences.

This has probably happened 3 times in my life. Anyway. I have had a similar thing happen to me, and I think it has to do with the perineum. A few times I’ve been on the toilet squeezing one out and have suddenly felt a kind of pressure in my perineum. I didn’t know what it was then, but I realise now that when I ‘kegeled’ I felt a weird kind of pressure/pain in the PC muscle. Even pressing a finger on the perineum hurt. At these times, my penis seemed to have lost all its blood. It felt hard and was a fair bit smaller than usual. An erection would be impossible since the PC muscle was hurting so much.

This has only happend to me a few times, and usually only lasted about 15 - 20 mins. Then things went bak to normal. This hasn’t happened to me in a few years but it seemed relevant to the thread.

Yataghan -
Your post supports my theory that this condition is in part due to muscle spasm. Mastering the art of relaxation is the wayt to go it seems. The body often goes into lock-down when there is trauma - a healthy response - but for some reason it often forgets to fully disengage the lock-down when the danger has past.

This happens a lot with peoples backs. They strain themselves, the muscles lock tight round the general area, and then they often tend to stay in a low level of tension for indefinite periods.

I'm fed up of having a signature!

Well im suffering from the same, but i’ve gotta say that my penis feels more normal now than 2 months ago, there are times when my penis is soft and normal, but I think this is related to the back, I know it sounds wierd but my lower part of the body have lost sensation and it feels more stiff and my legs feels more heavy when im walking, the discs in the back may press on the nerve roots, and marky also wrote that this could be due to muscle spasm, which a disc herination could cause.

Also… aggrevate the back seems to worsen my symptoms which including, lifting, running and do wierd movements. Sitting and laying down never cause any stiffness and turtling, I think it could be that in some positions the discs compresses more on the nerve roots than others.

But I can describe this symptom as torture, it’s extremely uncomfortable and there are times when I feel to give up my life.

Last edited by Maroshk : 06-30-2008 at .

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