Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The power of a big dick

I remember hearing my parents go at it when I was in my teens, and so did my whole neighborhood for that matter. *shivers*

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Anybody else reach the mental state of hungville yet? I’m hoping to reach my goal of 9 sometime in the next 4 months and then I will switch to a all girth routine to get that last .5 of girth.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino… I’m feeling pretty big these days, but I’m anything but hung… When I reach 8.5”x6” I’ll not only feel hung, I will BE hung. Remember, I’m not that tall (5’7”) so this monster would look obscene on me. As it stands, I’ve already got a nice size for my height, but I just can’t stop! Just looking back at the posts, I notice that I started out at just below 7”, so with nearly 1” of gains, no wonder I feel a lot larger. The increased thickness of my dickness and my larger flaccid has also contributed greatly to my feeling large. Hopefully in the next 5 months, or so I should be well past my original goal size (8”x6”).


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause


You guys keep me motivated. To read all the great things that you guys have been through, most of it I can relate to in one way or another, it all keeps me going. Here’s to getting bigger!!!!!!

My Current Stats: NBPEL : 7.5" BPEL: 8.0" EG : 6.0" GOAL ACHIEVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just Maintaining......

I’m just starting the PE thing, and I’m not that bad off to begin with, so, I can’t wait till I’m really hung!


At 5-7 you must already look huge, I’m 6-3 and muscular but not cut so I need to hang big to look big.

I was with this chick not to long ago and she gave me one of the nicest compliments I ever got, she was getting the bed ready and we were already naked and when she walked pass be she looked at my dick which was fluffed but still soft and just reached over and gave it a squeeze and just said “WOW”

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I look pretty big, but I have large (muscular) thighs and a proportional back-side, so these things make my dink look smaller by comparison. It still looks large, and if I had skinny thighs and a smaller ass, it would probably look huge, but I wouldn’t change my thigh/ass combo for anything. The only other alternative is to keep PEing until my dick looks big with my body. So, in a way , I’m like you, without the height, the charm, or the sexual prowess. :)

The other thing is, that it’s tough to tell gains because the changes are so gradual. To be honest, I can’t remember being any smaller than I am now. Someone mentioned that I should take some pictures using a digital camera for comparison, but I don’t *need* to see the changes. I’ll be satisfied when I reach my pre-determined goal size.

That was a wicked compliment! You’re ego must have increased some, eh? I wonder if I’ll get those soon…. :)


STATS | G O A L : 8.5" x 6" BPEL | STORY

Back into PE after 3 year pause

Dino, you and I are about the same size, 6’3” about 215…an 8”er on us looks a lot smaller than on tug…proportion has a lot to with it…I’ve had women freak on my size, but I don’t get it…looks normal to me in comparison to the rest of my body…


Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Anybody else reach the mental state of hungville yet? I’m hoping to reach my goal of 9 sometime in the next 4 months and then I will switch to a all girth routine to get that last .5 of girth.

I just hit 7.5bp x 5.5 and for the first time in my life I am feeling like maybe I am not small. I am really motivated by what you write. I know I am big but I can’t wait to feel big. When I feel huge people will start wondering, “what is with that guy, does that smile ever come off his face?”

Btw, I am about 6 ft.


Congrats Guys! I am proud of you all.

PS: Hugh is it your birthday today? If so, Happy Birthday! If not, my bad.

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by Dino9X7

At 5-7 you must already look huge, I’m 6-3 and muscular but not cut so I need to hang big to look big.

I was with this chick not to long ago and she gave me one of the nicest compliments I ever got, she was getting the bed ready and we were already naked and when she walked pass be she looked at my dick which was fluffed but still soft and just reached over and gave it a squeeze and just said “WOW”

That’s awesome. I can’t wait to hear that. I am sure my gf will slowly start to notice though.

teaser, no, but close…it was about three weeks ago…thanks for the belated BD…

Tug, 5’7” with an 8”er…I bet you look like you have three legs…

Smith, 7.5”…no…you are not small by any stretch of the imagination…

Hey HJ9 it’s great to have you back posting bro!!

Being hung is great I know I’m great in bed and once I do a chick I know I got them for good or till I really screw things up bad. Thanks to PE I have a big dick and can last almost as long as I want. And thanks to not having a big dick when I started PE I know how to work it in those other ways. But still life is not all sunshine and sandy beaches for Dino I still have to close the deal so I still need to get the chick into my bed so until I do I’m no different than a guy with a small one in fact a guy with a small dick and a better personality or a whole lot of money is still going to score more chicks than me sure I’m better in bed and have a bigger dick but you can’t print that on a t-shirt and wear it well you can but I doubt it would go over to well. Just some thoughts to chew on.


I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by penismith
I just hit 7.5bp x 5.5 and for the first time in my life I am feeling like maybe I am not small. I am really motivated by what you write. I know I am big but I can’t wait to feel big. When I feel huge people will start wondering, “what is with that guy, does that smile ever come off his face?”

Btw, I am about 6 ft.


You can’t get big anymore, only bigger.

About the smile on the face, ever since I was first convinced that gaining penis size is quite possible, I’ve crawled out of the “little fish, big fish, bigger fish pond”; I’m just not concerned if some guy hangs 10”+ and some women happen like that. I know what I want and am confident to achieve; it’s like I mentally already have my goal size, my ideal size, and then what’s left is just the genuine feeling of I wouldn't change a thing*. This mentality is sensed by women half a mile away, and I sure wouldn’t want to lose this attraction that by gaining over the top.

*) Not to be confused with I can't change a thing, which incidentally is also spotted half a mile away.

Well done Dino!

You and the rest of the guys in “Hungsville” really motivate us guys on our way to “Hungsville”.

I’m now where near it yet, but I did start in “Smallsville” and have already passed “Averageville” so I’m on the right road!!


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