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Fat pad, fat loss question


Fat pad, fat loss question

Im not fat but i have a large fat pad of about 1.25 inches. For the guys that have small BF% or abs do you all have small fat pads or is mine just a genetic type thing because i feel if i get abs i wont lose much of my fat pad. Just wondering. Has anyone dieted and notice their nbpel get bigger? thanks, this could give me the right amount of motivation to go on a cut diet.

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

That darned fat pad is the last to go. Even when your abs start appearing, it does so from the top down. I am able to keep my 6-pack in the summer but I give up in the winter to bulk up for muscle growth training and also the fact it’s way too hard to behave myself all year long. My fat pad does grow because of that and yes my nbpel gets smaller. To the eye it doesn’t look any smaller to me but the ruler never lies.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

I hate my fat pad too; it is like 1.5” thick because I am overweight. I have noticed that I lost weight from eating nothing but the bean salad and bread once a day.

The fat pad is always the last bit of fat to go. It doesn’t even seem to shrink much until body fat levels really drop.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

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biking and running get rid of this faster than anything else

Originally Posted by bigballz
biking and running get rid of this faster than anything else

What about swimming? That has the option of burning much more calories than running or biking which relies mainly on on major muscle group.

bigballz please read the Forum Guidelines. Thanks.

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

I’ve lost significant bodyfat, I started around 20% now I’m at around 15% and I’ve noticed that fat pad drop quite a bit.

FYI at 15% I don’t have a six pack but a decent 4 pack anyway… Guess my fat ass drank those two beers! :D

Swimming is great for building muscle. Swimming is terrible for burning fat because you rarley sweat, the water actually shifts the fat you have on your body, down it, and calories do not equal fat, calories equal energy, thats why with swimming you build the most muscle. Bikers and runners have much less body mass than swimmers do.

Originally Posted by bigballz
Swimming is great for building muscle. Swimming is terrible for burning fat because you rarley sweat, the water actually shifts the fat you have on your body, down it, and calories do not equal fat, calories equal energy, thats why with swimming you build the most muscle. Bikers and runners have much less body mass than swimmers do.

Dude, may I ask where you are getting this information? Also, what is this about sweating? Sweating is a way that your body cools itself down. Sweating has nothing to do with burning fat. You don’t sweat out fat. Fat does not relocate either unless a doctor does it for you. Swimmers have more body mass? I don’t mean to come down on you but do have any sources that you can reference for us?

After doing some research, I’ve found conflicting information which some say swimming is one of the best excersises for burning fat and some say it isn’t. However, I have not found one source that says it is terrible for burning fat!

Here are some references:

Especially read the second page of this:

Swimming As A Total Body Workout - AskMen

Gut Scramblin' goodness.

You sweat extensively when you swim. And what are you even trying to say about water shifting fat?

Hah yea I dont know what that guy is talking about all of my friends that are swimmers are ripped. You dont have to sweat to burn fat, and most of the fat burning occurs after the exercise not during.

5/1/04 Before: 6.75x4.75" started back up again. 2/1/06 7 4/16x5" 3/1/06 7 7/16x5"

Goal: 8.5x6"

focusing on length now with stretches, hanging, and jelqing

I’m doing a lot of cardio lately to get rid of my fatpad, sometimes between 100 and 120 minutes straight, but I don’t think a guy like me can do the same with swimming. Swimming is too intense to burn a lot of fat, you will be fucking tired before having burned like 2000 calories.

Girth gains for better sex, length gains for a worthless ego boost.


Thats why you work at it to get your stamina up, then work on burning fat.

Mines about 0.75” and my body fat is about ~15%. I’ve put on weight in the last year. Gone from 78kg to 84kg and I suspect my fat level before was about 12-13%. I’m now going to try and burn the fat but its tougher than I thought. I seemed to have gained when I look at my BP statistics but the fat pad hides this…

I have a question to add to the topic…

Is it possible to get fat directly drained from the fat pad? (Surgically)

I’m trying to lose my Fat pad too. How do I find out my body fat %?

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