Thunder's Place

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Jelqing only- Length gains NOT POSSIBLE

Now I understand why I haven’t seen any gains in length at all.. I saw very small gain in E Girth.. But no gain at all in erect length .I’ve been doing jelqing for 3 months .. I didn’t really do the stretching exercises .I only stretched for about 2 min that’s all.. I focused more on jelqing I guess now .. I’m gonna give more attention to stretching part.. And weight loss.. That fat pad takes away an inch of length.. And does masturbation affect gains.

Yea because when you masturbate too often you lose stamina that could have gone into training. Once a day is acceptable after your girth training is over.

Ok.. :) Can’t wait for 22nd nov .once exams r over then I will be free and then I can concentrate on PE.

Old thread but worth revisiting because of its important implications for PE in general and Jelq in particular.
I have a strong “cord” and also an upward curvature. I’m doing jelq only and I’ve been doing it for six months. I’ve read everything here and elsewhere and I must say I don’t really see a strong connection between jelqing and the “cord”. Jelqing affects the corpora cavernosa, whose growth results from the constant pumping of blood. The cord cannot inhibit that. It’s basic logic. If we can agree that your chambers will grow through successful jelqing, then two things can happen, given a strong and stubborn “cord.”

1. The chambers grow and force your penis into an even more pronounced upward curvature since the cord limits growth in a straight direction.
2. The chambers grow to the sides making you gain substantially in girth since your short vertical cord encourages horizontal growth.

If you see zero results, zero changes in size/shape it means you’re jelqing technique is bad. Period. Your “cord” even if it is the mother of all cords and the strongest SOB out there cannot control your chambers. When an excess of blood is pumped into them they will grow. The “cord” may not allow your penis to grow in a straight line. That can indeed be a limiting factor.

In my experience, however, this has not happened. Despite my strong “cord”. Despite my preexisting upward curve. On the contrary, through jelqing I feel that the curvature is less obvious. That is mainly because I have gained 1” in length (very little in girth). I never stretch because I’m uncut and I cannot stay flaccid while pulling the head. All my gains are from jelqing only. In my opinion a strong cord will simply make you grow a little slower because the cord needs to become more flexible through jelqing. I stretch flaccid for measurement purposes and I’ve noticed gains. This can only happen if the cord yields in time.

All cords are not the same. I cannot generalize, but I cannot accept this as some kind of fatality impossible to overcome. “You have a cord, your PE length routine is doomed”. Not true. And even less true is the idea that having the cord means that your jelqing routine will have no effect. And BTW, fully erect, with a curvature, I can still bend my penis to make it straight and it’s about 1/2” longer. That cord is not made of carbon fiber. It’s still an organic tissue. And you’ll thank that cord when you’re 80 and you can still get it up :)

@stealth35 V-stretches and the like work much better on me with a semi erection. In flaccid state I can only feel irritation from stretching that way. Some parts of my penis work better with a certain %, some require another, which also depends on their level of exhaustion. Not enough blood irritates, too much becomes impractical and dangerous. Keep an open mind and you might find a stretch that works for you.

Originally Posted by the tiger
Now, lets not confuse, growth of the penis, with stronger erections. Some of us may jelq an atrophied penis back to it’s already “potential” size, but those aren’t true length gains.

Also, with the actual THEORY that jelqing works, is based on expanding the walls of the inner penis to hold more blood, and gradually cells will regenerate to permanently hold more blood, I.e. And bigger and longer penis.
But, lets also not confuse jelqing at VERY LOW erection levels straight down- and getting length gains from lig stretches. Because technically that’s length gains from a form of downward lig/stretching- NOT length gains from the theory of jelqing and blood chamber expansion.

Point and case being, you can read all over the internet of how you can increase your penis length 1-5 inches from the basic exercise the JELQ, the most famous, popular, and historical form of PE.

But unless you do V and A stretches to break down the septum, or the “chord” you feel in your penis when it’s stretched out in the flaccid state, you can jelq all you want, but your penis won’t actually GROW in LENGTH unless the septum lets it. So all the claims of jelqing is the best and most popular way to length gains- all over the internet, is physically impossible. Unless someone can explain otherwise, explain how your dong can GROW longer while your septum is still the same length, I won’t believe it.

I’ve personally taken note to this, since I have done JELQ only routines, at fuller erection levels, lower erection levels, no rest days, with rest days, and every variation possible, and never got one centimeter of length gain over a combined time of over a year of jelqing-only.


This is very insightful. I haven’t tried “A” and “V” stretches yet but I will now !

Originally Posted by stealth35
In my experience, however, this has not happened. Despite my strong “cord”. Despite my preexisting upward curve. On the contrary, through jelqing I feel that the curvature is less obvious. That is mainly because I have gained 1” in length (very little in girth). I never stretch because I’m uncut and I cannot stay flaccid while pulling the head. All my gains are from jelqing only. In my opinion a strong cord will simply make you grow a little slower because the cord needs to become more flexible through jelqing. I stretch flaccid for measurement purposes and I’ve noticed gains. This can only happen if the cord yields in time.

All cords are not the same. I cannot generalize, but I cannot accept this as some kind of fatality impossible to overcome. “You have a cord, your PE length routine is doomed”. Not true. And even less true is the idea that having the cord means that your jelqing routine will have no effect. And BTW, fully erect, with a curvature, I can still bend my penis to make it straight and it’s about 1/2” longer. That cord is not made of carbon fiber. It’s still an organic tissue. And you’ll thank that cord when you’re 80 and you can still get it up :)

I suppose since people are digging up old threads I can come out of retirement and contribute directly on this point since it’s something I used to search for a lot.

My own experience is similar to this - upward curve, what feels like a thick cord, and I still got somewhere in the region of .7 - 1.0 inch in length over the course of roughly two years. My curve is either the same or very slightly worse, but it’s not an issue with my S.O.

I don’t think the cord inhibits genuine growth. My routine maxed out at I think 10-15 minutes of hard manual stretching and 20 minutes of jelquing, edging/ulis when I felt up to it (stopped late 2018 and only recently restarted).

I’d be opposite of this poster in that staying hard enough for productive jelquing is an issue for me whereas I can stretch indefinitely. Zero girth though, stands to reason.

Originally Posted by the tiger
Now, lets not confuse, growth of the penis, with stronger erections. Some of us may jelq an atrophied penis back to it’s already “potential” size, but those aren’t true length gains.

Jelging seems to work good for two things:

by itself, to improve hang and erection quality

in combination with hanging, to loosen and prepare the muscles, prep and prime them for being relaxed and flexible, so that the real work can actually be effective


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