Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.




After 1 week of basic jelq i tried squeeze and i think squeeze seems to

be better for me_ after jelq my penis became a noodle aha! but after

squeeze-jelq (squeeze from base to head of penis) my penis become bigger

and stronger and i can even have a good erection after these exercices.

Then can you tell me if it’s just an impression or if it’s the truth.

First i am interested in girth because my intuition is that i have to

get it bigger and then longer!

I try not to do a strong squeeze at the beginning.

I have another question: sometimes during exercices the penis become

cold- what does it mean ? Should i stop exercices ?

Then if someone can give me advices about a routine for (squeeze-jelq)

but for A BEGINNER he will be welcome!


During the week i used a pump only one day- i know gains are temporary

with a pump but that could be effective.



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