Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Shedding the Snake: Peeling to Remove Discoloration

Originally Posted by Mr_bobby
Hello, did have success with wart remover on a hyperpigmented area on my shaft.
It looks much lighter almost matching my original skin color.
Only one problem. I overdid it on one place resulting in a 1 x 1 cm white vitiligo spot.
So my question is if anyone know how to reverse this and make it permanent darker without going to a tattoo artist?
Did try pinching it with a tweezer trying to get a smaller bruise but that is not working permanent.
Thank you :)

When you say hyper pigmented, do you essentially mean a mole or freckle? Or a large patch of skin that is a darker pigment? I imagine trying to target small very specific areas will be very difficult.

The spot is lacking pigment due to peeling to remove discoloration, it’s a hyperpigmentation.

So it’s a patch of skin with whiter pigment and that is what I’m trying to treat.

Waiting for the pigment to return will take years, I rather want a quick fix and making it discolored again..

Perhaps someone here already done it.

In a bad situation

Ok this may not be the right place for this post but I’ve searched for the past half hour and can’t find another place so here it goes, maybe I can help future hangers from making this mistake. I had been hanging OTS and SO it’s a fulcrum, and the head of my penis was taking most of the punishment. It got to where half of my head was rubbed chaffed, for lack of a better term. Well the trauma to me apparently over doing it to my head has made my pee hole smaller, so that when I pee, my stream is tighter and I can feel more pressure on my pee hole during urinating. I looked it up on google and read for hours on it. I have meatal stenosis. (I think I’m spelling meatal correctly). So my options are to go to a urologist, and have them perform a procedure where they slit open my pee hole to enlarge it back to normal size or they insert a tube into it to try and stretch it out. However, the appointment just to see the urologist is $200 and I don’t have insurance. So I bought a urethra stretcher to try and fix it. It is absolutely horrible with the pain I feel when I try to just fit the tip of the instrument into my urethra. So now I am considering buying some numbing gel, and applying a small bit to my urethra, buying a razor blade and sterilizing it, and making my own slit and just trying to open my pee hole a little more myself. When reading on the websites about the procedure, it says that it’s an outpatient procedure where they just numb the tip and slit the opening. Guys, I know I sound crazy claiming to want to try it on my own, but I have worked my ass off paying off an older medical debt that ruined my credit and I’m so close to having my credit back to semi normal, and I have also busted my ass hanging every single day and making decent progress. This problem is haunting my head and thoughts. It’s all I can think about. Because I kept hanging after my dick head got sore and a tad swollen from taking the brute of the hanging, I now am in a dire predicament. What do you all think about this, and what would you recommend? I would gladly have a specialist do this for me but I know I won’t be able to afford it. It’s eating me up inside. Please give me some advice or good vibes on proceeding with this. I think if I can numb myself enough, I can maybe cut an extremely small enough bit from the bottom of my peephole to just open it back up enough where I can have an effortless stream of urine whenever I go to pee. I’m sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong place, please forgive me if I am. What do I do?

Originally Posted by Rbrockp92
Ok this may not be the right place for this post but I’ve searched for the past half hour and can’t find another place so here it goes, maybe I can help future hangers from making this mistake. I had been hanging OTS and SO it’s a fulcrum, and the head of my penis was taking most of the punishment. It got to where half of my head was rubbed chaffed, for lack of a better term. Well the trauma to me apparently over doing it to my head has made my pee hole smaller, so that when I pee, my stream is tighter and I can feel more pressure on my pee hole during urinating. I looked it up on google and read for hours on it. I have meatal stenosis. (I think I’m spelling meatal correctly). So my options are to go to a urologist, and have them perform a procedure where they slit open my pee hole to enlarge it back to normal size or they insert a tube into it to try and stretch it out. However, the appointment just to see the urologist is $200 and I don’t have insurance. So I bought a urethra stretcher to try and fix it. It is absolutely horrible with the pain I feel when I try to just fit the tip of the instrument into my urethra. So now I am considering buying some numbing gel, and applying a small bit to my urethra, buying a razor blade and sterilizing it, and making my own slit and just trying to open my pee hole a little more myself. When reading on the websites about the procedure, it says that it’s an outpatient procedure where they just numb the tip and slit the opening. Guys, I know I sound crazy claiming to want to try it on my own, but I have worked my ass off paying off an older medical debt that ruined my credit and I’m so close to having my credit back to semi normal, and I have also busted my ass hanging every single day and making decent progress. This problem is haunting my head and thoughts. It’s all I can think about. Because I kept hanging after my dick head got sore and a tad swollen from taking the brute of the hanging, I now am in a dire predicament. What do you all think about this, and what would you recommend? I would gladly have a specialist do this for me but I know I won’t be able to afford it. It’s eating me up inside. Please give me some advice or good vibes on proceeding with this. I think if I can numb myself enough, I can maybe cut an extremely small enough bit from the bottom of my peephole to just open it back up enough where I can have an effortless stream of urine whenever I go to pee. I’m sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong place, please forgive me if I am. What do I do?

Go to the Doc! This plan is crazy! Good luck!

Originally Posted by beyond9
Go to the Doc! This plan is crazy! Good luck!

I know man. I did find a page where people (who stretch their urethra out for pleasure) had given themselves a meatotomy and did it successfully. Although I am not trying to accomplish what they have done, I’m just so desperate. Maybe I just need to save the money up and go to a doctor. Maybe a regular doctor can give me a better solution and possibly do the procedure instead of me going to a urologist

Need some advice. I applied this the other day and I’m not sure the instructions. It coagulates and drys very fast. I left it for awhile until it stopped stinging but after the white coagulate was very hard to peel off. Was I supposed to leave it on? I’ve read it takes about a week for the skin to begin to peel. How will I know when that begins? At the moment my dick just looks pretty bruised up. I’m going to keep using coconut oil in the mean time.

Yes, I left the white crust on, but I don’t think it matters if you peeled it off. I liked that it acted as a shield for the sensitive bruised skin. Over the next few days / a week that bruised up look will turn into a scabbed look. And then the dead scabbed skin will slowly peel off to reveal fresh pink skin (hopefully with no discoloration) underneath. I didn’t use any oil, nor touch it at all during the time it took the outer skin to scab / die off. Remember to let the dead skin peel off on its own. For me it progressed at different rates in different areas. If it was nearly falling off on its own then I would remove that bit, and let the rest continue to peel on its own. Also remember not to do any PE for a while afterward (month or two) to give the skin time to fully heal.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Actually as I remember more of it, I think I tried to wash the white crust off in the shower after waiting an hour or so. And about half of it remained on. I think after about 10 or 15 minutes the chemical reaction is already complete, and it doesn’t matter whether you leave the white crust on or not, so you should be good.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Actually as I remember more of it, I think I tried to wash the white crust off in the shower after waiting an hour or so. And about half of it remained on. I think after about 10 or 15 minutes the chemical reaction is already complete, and it doesn’t matter whether you leave the white crust on or not, so you should be good.

Should the entirety of my dick skin be scab like? I’ve noticed that although I did my best to apply acid everywhere, there are lines of scabbing and other places where the skin seems totally normal. I’m afraid its gonna be pretty uneven. Did I do this improperly? Or was it like that for you as well.

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Yes, I left the white crust on, but I don’t think it matters if you peeled it off. I liked that it acted as a shield for the sensitive bruised skin. Over the next few days / a week that bruised up look will turn into a scabbed look. And then the dead scabbed skin will slowly peel off to reveal fresh pink skin (hopefully with no discoloration) underneath. I didn’t use any oil, nor touch it at all during the time it took the outer skin to scab / die off. Remember to let the dead skin peel off on its own. For me it progressed at different rates in different areas. If it was nearly falling off on its own then I would remove that bit, and let the rest continue to peel on its own. Also remember not to do any PE for a while afterward (month or two) to give the skin time to fully heal.

What product are you talking about? and did it work for you?

Yes it worked for me. I followed the instructions at the beginning of this thread closely, the product was 17% Salicylic Acid which is marketed as a wart remover, I used Walmart’s generic brand. I strongly suggest reading this entire thread in detail if you’re going to try it because it does cause a significant skin injury that lasts a couple weeks. The major risk is probably infection.

It was not entirely even for me. There were places where the chemical burn went deeper than others, but I think it scabbed to some degree all over eventually. Luckily for me it was so effective that I was sufficiently pleased with the results after one go at it, even if it wasn’t perfectly even. Some people in this thread did multiple applications, going back to get spots that didn’t go as deep, and had success that way.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"

Originally Posted by Mr_bobby
So I’m not alone :)
How long time did it take for the pigment to come back?
I want a quick fix, not applying ginger for months and perhaps nothing..
Thinking about treating the white spot with wart remover again and hoping it will turn darker once it heals..
Thank you.

Did you succeed, friend?

Originally Posted by tvres
Did you succeed, friend?

Nothing new :(

Originally Posted by BeardedDragon
Yes it worked for me. I followed the instructions at the beginning of this thread closely, the product was 17% Salicylic Acid which is marketed as a wart remover, I used Walmart’s generic brand. I strongly suggest reading this entire thread in detail if you’re going to try it because it does cause a significant skin injury that lasts a couple weeks. The major risk is probably infection.

It was not entirely even for me. There were places where the chemical burn went deeper than others, but I think it scabbed to some degree all over eventually. Luckily for me it was so effective that I was sufficiently pleased with the results after one go at it, even if it wasn’t perfectly even. Some people in this thread did multiple applications, going back to get spots that didn’t go as deep, and had success that way.

I cannot find that product in Spain, every cream has lactic or acetic acid on top of the salicylic, should it work too?

It is not a cream, rather a thick, viscous liquid that comes in a small bottle perhaps 10 to 20 mL in size, with a brush applicator. A quick check online shows various brand names: Compound W wart remover, Duofilm liquid wart remover, Verruguin wart remover. They all have 17% SA as the main ingredient, and any generic store brand with this same formulation should also work.

Other skin creams containing lower concentrations of SA (acne cleansers for example) would not work in the same way. If they are the same creams I’m thinking of, they are gentle exfoliants, removing the outer layer of already dead skin only.

The product described in this thread is more serious, a chemical peel which kills off deeper layers of living skin - marketed as wart remover only. I feel silly for repeating it so often, but please read the whole thread if you’re going to try this. It is painful and potentially quite dangerous, even for a PE veteran.

Before 5.5" x 4.1" ///////// Now 7.4" x 4.9"


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