Thunder's Place

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A few questions for vets

A few questions for vets

Hi all. I just got my bib hanger about a week ago and first of let me say that it is a very finely crafted tool. I’ve been fiddling with my settings since I got it. I think I’ve just about got it but I have a few question on the finer points of hanging that I haven’t found answers to in my searches.

First of all I just wanted to run my routine by you guys and see if you think it’s a good starting workout. I’m hanging 1 set of 20 min BTC 5lbs, 1 set of 20 min straight out 5lbs, and 1 set of 20 min OTS 10lbs. Does that sound like a good use of my hour or would different angles facilitate faster growth?

Secondly, when I hang my glans turns a sort of dark purple and gets kind of cold by the end of the 20 minutes, (usually starts going cold by the 10 min mark). Now I’ve heard that discoloration is bad in some posts, but in other they said that a certain amount of discoloration was to be expected. As soon as I Unclamp the hanger my color and temperature return back to normal, with no long term discoloration or temperature changes. So is it bad that my glans is doing this? If so, do you have suggestions on how to remedy it?

Lastly, there’s a lot of talk on this board about “fatigue”. I don’t think I’ve reached fatigue yet, and I’m wondering if I won’t make gains unless I reach it. If I need to reach it can someone tell me how I know if I’ve reached it. As I hang now I just stop at the end of the 20 but not because I can’t keep going, just because 20 min is the recomended set length.

This community has been a wealth of information so far from all the posts I’ve read and I know that these final answers will allow me to fine tune my PE so I can be comfortable and get some gains. Thanks in advance everyone.


>First of all I just wanted to run my routine by you guys and see if you think it’s a good starting workout. I’m hanging 1 set of 20 min BTC 5lbs, 1 set of 20 min straight out 5lbs, and 1 set of 20 min OTS 10lbs. Does that sound like a good use of my hour or would different angles facilitate faster growth?<

I think it is fine to hang at different angles at first, just to see what they offer. Also, you can probably tell what angles stress your most limiting factors. After you have a little experience, know what the hanger will do, and what angles you should concentrate on, then, try to hang at a single angle too fatigue. If the next day, that angle is a little sore, hit is again. If you find the target tissues are just too sore to hit again, then switch angles.

>Secondly, when I hang my glans turns a sort of dark purple and gets kind of cold by the end of the 20 minutes, (usually starts going cold by the 10 min mark).<

This is not unusual when you first start. The twenty minutes is a max. If your sets are less, it is not a failure. Over time, and considering the amount of weight hung, your penis will become ‘stronger’ and will keep color and temp much better. Do check to make sure your wrap is not too tight. Just wrap and leave it on a few minutes without attaching the hanger. If the head begins to swell, then the wrap is probably too tight. If the hanger pinches, then the wrap is too loose.

>Now I’ve heard that discoloration is bad in some posts, but in other they said that a certain amount of discoloration was to be expected. As soon as I Unclamp the hanger my color and temperature return back to normal, with no long term discoloration or temperature changes. So is it bad that my glans is doing this? If so, do you have suggestions on how to remedy it?

A darker color while hanging is not too bad. Blue, white, and cold is bad. When guys talk about discoloration, it is usually from using very high weights, and the discoloration is almost like a bruise. As I wrote above, check the wrap tightness, and also make sure you are not tightening more than the weight requires.

>Lastly, there’s a lot of talk on this board about “fatigue”. I don’t think I’ve reached fatigue yet, and I’m wondering if I won’t make gains unless I reach it. If I need to reach it can someone tell me how I know if I’ve reached it.<

You know how you feel if you do a really heavy weights workout? That is fatigue. Soreness, temporary difficulty with erections, etc. Just tired and worn out.

>As I hang now I just stop at the end of the 20 but not because I can’t keep going, just because 20 min is the recomended set length.<

That is the max recommended length by me. Some guys do hang longer, some shorter.

Good luck and I hope you get everything you wish for.


Ok so Bib, let me see if I understand correctly. Are you saying it would be more benificial for me to hang my 3 sets of 20 in the same position instead of 3 different positions? I was hanging one BTC, one SO, and one OTS because I thought this combination of angles would stress all my lingaments equally and therefore give me straight and equal growth. If I were to do all my hanging BTC, for arguments sake, wouldn’t just the top ligaments get longer and my penis would grow unevenly? I’m asking because BTC definitly gives me the most stress (with OTS being a close second) so if it’s more benifitial to just do one angle for all 3 sets I should definitly be doing BTC.

Also I want to ask, you mentioned in your reply that it is bad for the glans to become cold during PE but you didn’t specificly refer to it in my message. Are you saying that it is bad that my glans is discoloring (due to blood collection) and turning cold or is a certain amount of this to be expected during PE?

7 inches here I come.


> Ok so Bib, let me see if I understand correctly. Are you saying it would be more benificial for me to hang my 3 sets of 20 in the same position instead of 3 different positions?<


>I was hanging one BTC, one SO, and one OTS because I thought this combination of angles would stress all my lingaments equally and therefore give me straight and equal growth.<

What are the odds that your ligaments are all equal to begin with? Two things: What you would like to do is work the ligs that are the most resistant to growth. Then, when the become more in line with the others, move to another angle. Divide and conquer works on a lig basis, a bundle basis, even down to the individual fibers.

Also, I believe it is beneficial to work on a lig set to total fatigue. Continually hitting the same lig set will tend to make the work more efficient. What is easier to permanently stretch, an already fatigued lig, or a fresh healthy lig? This is controlled damage. Applying the amount of stress needed, for the amount of time needed, to exact permanent change safely.

>If I were to do all my hanging BTC, for arguments sake, wouldn’t just the top ligaments get longer and my penis would grow unevenly?<

The only thing that might change is your erection angle. EX. Doing solely BTC for a long time might lower your erection angle. I would recommend alternateing sides when doing OTL.

>Also I want to ask, you mentioned in your reply that it is bad for the glans to become cold during PE but you didn’t specificly refer to it in my message. Are you saying that it is bad that my glans is discoloring (due to blood collection) and turning cold or is a certain amount of this to be expected during PE? <

A certain amount is to be expected, but do not be a hero. If the head becomes cold, take off the weight and hanger. Over time, this will decrease, and you will be able to hang longer with no temp change. If it becomes blue or white, take it off. If it is simply dark, with good temp, it is probably ok.


Allright, thanks BIB. You’ve been really helpful, I know I’ll be able to reach my goals with all the info I’ve picked up here.

7 inches here I come.

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