Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Injury compendium

Injury compendium

Hi folks! First post here, so please bare with me!

I want to make an injury compendium that summarizes all the injury info in one post. Anybody got an idea of how to go about it? My general framework is as follows:

(1) split injuries into three levels, split by seriousness, namely level 1 - 1 to 2 days rest, level 2 - 2 to 3 weeks rest, suggest to see a urologist, level 3 - significant risk of long term injury, must see urologist.
(2) define each injury with it’s own paragraph covering symptoms, medical reasoning (which part did you damage), likely causes, remedial action, and future prevention
(3) factor in useful data such as likelihood of occurrence and average period of recovery
(4) point to injuries that are a good indicator of progress such as red dots or lig pops
(5) point to particularly enlightening posts in this area

Not sure of thunders take on this and I’m happy to do a u-turn to be shut down. But my personal opinion is this: the more I read about injuries, the more I am forced to visualize the anatomical aspects of the penis, the more I value the risk:return ratio. As such I get even more confident in doing PE. It’s like lifting weights, it’s all in the mind to make it work for you by doing it properly. Except lifting weights deals with even more complex structures and a plethora of muscle sets. Granted the penis is not naturally inclined to strenuous force, but the comparison still stands.

I’m not a vet so apologies if I don’t have a completed product for review, so please lend me your criticisms!

I’m starting with:

Level 1: burst capillaries / red dots / bruising / glans bruising or decoloration / lymph build up
Level 2: lig pop / urethral blood / thromboses vein / donut effect
Level 3: doral vein injury / firm flaccid / dorsal nerve injury / glan desensitization / deoxygenation

Again, please bear with any errors above, I think I’ve done quite a lot of homework (2 pages of posts with the most replies) but I’m still a newb here so feel free to spot the errors for me.

Hahaha no. I’ve been following this site on and off for years. PE on and off for years. Got me absolutely nowhere. I always feel the gain but it’s the lack of time commitment. Work and gf don’t gimme the time, but now I’m married I’ve told my wife let’s make it a big one! She loved my honesty and being upfront about improving sex life. But she also told me to make sure it doesn’t break. So for the past three months I’ve done no PE and a lot of reading in this section vs. Nil reading previously. So yah, this is a compendium, I’ve only personally experienced lig pops, not even a thrombosis…

I’ve got a draft on my iPad, but it still needs fleshing out :( I’ll throw out a first draft ASAP.

Level 1 Injuries:

Needs minimal rest but should be monitored and problem area avoided during PE. However, care must be taken to reduce the severity otherwise complications will occur.

Glan bruising

Symptoms: discoloration or numbness of the glans
Explanation: excessive friction and force on the sensitive glans causes bruising and desensitization on the surface 
Likely causes:
(1) jelqing over the glans
(2) pulling on glans to stretch or hang
(3) vacuum material on glans
Remedy: must avoid the area immediately
Prevention: Use proper technique by avoiding glans contact, or in cases of vacuum based equipment, utilize a glans cover for protection

Symptoms: from pin sized spots to up to 2mm diameter on the skin of shaft or glans. Varies from red to purple to black. 
Explanation: excessive internal force causing burst capillaries
Causes: higher force applied to stretching or jelqing that your penis is not accustomed to
Remedy: rest until the spots disappear and resume.  Observe if the spots re-occur at the same area, if so (a) rest for longer and/or (b) slow down your incremental force and/or (c) warm up more
Prevention: warm up and warm down
Notes: (1) very common, in particular to beginners
(2) red disappears normally within 24 hours, purple for about three days, and black ones take 1-2 weeks
(3) a good indicator of your penile conditioning

Lymph build up: 

Symptoms: pulpy lumpy mass underneath the skin gathering in a particular area, most likely the glans or behind the glans
Explanation: lymphatic system does not clear lymph build up as fast as you accumulate
Causes: normally due to pressure related exercises such as using a vacuum hanger or pump, however extreme methods of jelqing will cause the same problem (adc?)
Remedy: note which exercise is causing it and reduce frequency or force until you see improvements. Can continue to do PE but MUST monitor symptoms as a further build up will take longer to dissipate. Massage and apply heat to area (I know some say cold, but blood vessels and lymphatic systems are different? Some light on this area is welcome). 
Prevention: reduce force or apply force over a wider area. Lymph build up varies from person to person, so ample monitoring of early signs of build up is the best prevention method. 

Level 2 Injuries:

Needs 1 to 3 weeks rest. Recommended to see a urologist in severe cases but not necessary.


Symptoms: can be felt as a hard lump on the surface of the shaft with pain in the surrounding area
Explanation: vein blockage causing blood accumulation into hardened area
Causes: excessive external force has caused blockage in one of the vein systems and repeated force applied to the area magnifies the blockage causing blood to stop flowing
Remedy: rest and massage with heat. One week to two weeks should see improvement.
Prevention: proper warm up and warm down
Notes: a common occurrence for seasoned PE-er, but medically safe as veins either clear or automatically re-route themselves over time, however the downside is that zero Jelq/girth pe should be done until recovery.

Urethral blood:

Symptoms: blood coming from the urethra
Explanation: squeezing so hard that the internal pressure on urethra has a rupture
Causes: extreme jelqing or improper methods causing a sudden jerk or an uneven apply of pressure to a certain point, also possible if gripping method for stretching is improper
Remedy: rest all types of PE for a week
Prevention: proper methodology
Notes: this case is rarely reported. My guess is that it normally happens when PE-er already has a weak spot within the urethra that gets aggravated by PE 

Ligament Pop:

Symptoms: you hear a pop and a loose feeling when stretching the ligaments. No pain (pain indicates a ligament tear when the ligament becomes detached from the pubic bone)
Explanation: micro tears are common during ligament exercise and this is similar except one of the many strands are dislocated entirely
Causes: excessive force during ligament stretching exercise
Remedy: two weeks of minimum stretching and work your way back up to previous levels. Reasoning for minimal stretching and not outright resting is as follows: Ligament pops need to heal but it is beneficial to allow them to heal in an elongated state. As the new ligament will be more durable than original, this should be taken as an opportunity to cement your gains by frequently doing light stretching or using all day stretching. Nevertheless, this still is an injury so utmost care must be taken when determining what minimal force of pull is safe.
Prevention: slow down your incremental stretching force, or try shorter stretch durations. If you combine BC muscles to supplement the force, consider leaving them out as muscle contraction makes it easy to jerk the ligs.

Level 2 Injuries:

Needs 1 to 3 weeks rest. Recommended to see a urologist in severe cases but not necessary.


Symptoms: can be felt as a hard lump on the surface of the shaft with pain in the surrounding area
Explanation: vein blockage causing blood accumulation into hardened area
Causes: excessive external force has caused blockage in one of the vein systems and repeated force applied to the area magnifies the blockage causing blood to stop flowing
Remedy: rest and massage with heat. One week to two weeks should see improvement.
Prevention: proper warm up and warm down
Notes: a common occurrence for seasoned PE-er, but medically safe as veins either clear or automatically re-route themselves over time, however the downside is that zero Jelq/girth pe should be done until recovery.

Urethral blood:

Symptoms: blood coming from the urethra
Explanation: squeezing so hard that the internal pressure on urethra has a rupture
Causes: extreme jelqing or improper methods causing a sudden jerk or an uneven apply of pressure to a certain point, also possible if gripping method for stretching is improper. Jelqing by focusing the force on top and bottom is also a likely cause and a left and right force should remedy the problem
Remedy: rest all types of PE for a week
Prevention: proper methodology
Notes: this case is rarely reported. My guess is that it normally happens when PE-er already has a weak spot within the urethra that gets aggravated by PE 

Ligament Pop:

Symptoms: you hear a pop and a loose feeling when stretching the ligaments. No pain (pain indicates a ligament tear when the ligament becomes detached from the pubic bone)
Explanation: micro tears are common during ligament exercise and this is similar except one of the many strands are dislocated entirely
Causes: excessive force during ligament stretching exercise
Remedy: two weeks of minimum stretching and work your way back up to previous levels. Reasoning for minimal stretching and not outright resting is as follows: Ligament pops need to heal but it is beneficial to allow them to heal in an elongated state. As the new ligament will be more durable than original, this should be taken as an opportunity to cement your gains by frequently doing light stretching or using all day stretching. Nevertheless, this still is an injury so utmost care must be taken when determining what minimal force of pull is safe.
Prevention: slow down your incremental stretching force, or try shorter stretch durations. If you combine BC muscles to supplement the force, consider leaving them out as muscle contraction makes it easy to jerk the ligs. Aggravated areas are susceptible to further injury so easing back to previous levels incrementally is most important.
Notes: stronger ligament damage will attract more inflammation, the severity of which can be gauged by the amount of swelling and the amount of extra heat in the area (compare with the ligament on the opposite side). A good indicator of how well you are healing (and when you can start to slowly increase weights) is by observing the inflammation level. However, again, please note the danger of increasing force to a previoulsy aggravated area. Stick with light ADS and you’ve already made the injury work for you.

(note: couldn’t edit my previous post for some reason… This is updated version)

Last edited by pee-tah : 07-24-2011 at .

Ok. Need to do some more research on bleeding blisters and the very troublesome level 3 injuries. In case anybody stumbles across this, please note my disclaimer: the above is written by a newb and should not be taken as valid reference material until vetted by the vets. At least half a dozen of them.

Cool thread. I’ve had glans desensitisation twice. First from using an ADS wayy way too much tension and second was from overzealous stretching holding at the area behind the glans for a long time. First time It went numb for a month, second about 10 days.

Both times were scary as hell and as well as the accompanying numbness, the glans also went a lighter shade for a few days.

I am 100% recovered now. Recovery for me, what worked. Hot baths, light jelqing, lots of vitamin b, ginko and positive mental attitude. Only the first time did I consider going to see a a doc. It gets better very very gradually, you almost don’t notice it.

To avoid this injury, the main warning signs are a cold PALE coloured glans. If you get that there is a good chance you’ll have a numb dick for a little while. When you first start to use an ADS, check the glans every ten mins or so until you develop a “feel” for how your old boy is.

Sorry I didn’t chronologise this in order you did!

Currently 6.5 NBP 5.5EG.

Not sure if I consider lig pops injuries. The ones I’ve had didn’t result in anything debilitating or affect my EQ at all. More like cracking a knuckle.

Originally Posted by Lord Harris
Cool thread. I’ve had glans desensitisation twice. First from using an ADS wayy way too much tension and second was from overzealous stretching holding at the area behind the glans for a long time. First time It went numb for a month, second about 10 days.

Both times were scary as hell and as well as the accompanying numbness, the glans also went a lighter shade for a few days.

I am 100% recovered now. Recovery for me, what worked. Hot baths, light jelqing, lots of vitamin b, ginko and positive mental attitude. Only the first time did I consider going to see a a doc. It gets better very very gradually, you almost don’t notice it.

To avoid this injury, the main warning signs are a cold PALE coloured glans. If you get that there is a good chance you’ll have a numb dick for a little while. When you first start to use an ADS, check the glans every ten mins or so until you develop a “feel” for how your old boy is.

Sorry I didn’t chronologise this in order you did!

Interesting I find this thread and I was just asking about sensitivity. :) Could clamping be a cause of loss of sensation, or is it all in your head? Haha! I mean, really I had this happen one time. It took me about a month, but I only do manual stretches. Other than clamping, and I hold behind my glans and it sometimes turns purple. :( Kinda scary, but the thing is that I have a foreskin…and well I think when when it has different sensations I’ve hurt myself. Not a fun feeling!

Anyway after I heal this time, which I don’t think there’s anything wrong with me. It’s kinda on and off…like I can squeeze my junk in my pants when it’s flaccid and feel good sensations. It’s when I’m hard and stroking is when I think there’s something wrong. Haha!

Neat thread, and continue updating it I hope you will. :)

5.3" NBPEL.

BPEL 6.5-6.7" Goal: Anything!

Girth: 5" but getting bigger. ;)

Maybe add a remedy to thrombosis: evo’s vein oil (or similar, search for it).

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