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Overdoing It with Weighted Ball Stretchers?

Overdoing It with Weighted Ball Stretchers?

I’ve been really focusing lately on my stretching my ball sac lately with my 30 oz weighted collar. I usually only wear for an hour or two at a time but sheltering in place allowed me to wear it for a full 9 hours straight a few weeks ago. My sac has been hanging really low ever since, but every so often I have aching down there, like I strained a ligament or something, and I haven’t done any PE for a few weeks now.

Anybody else have to take a break from ball sac stretching due to hanging too much weight for too long? If so, what did you do to get past the injury and how long before things returned to normal?

Be careful you don’t want to create a varicocele

Penis Pride

Originally Posted by whacky76
Be careful you don’t want to create a varicocele

Thanks for the caution, Whacky76. What should I be looking for with that?

I think that when you use it for one or two hours a day, it is good to get used to it, but when you go to 9 hours a day, your balls are not used to it and that is why the pain comes, and the weight is too much, rest for a few days and gradually increase time

Originally Posted by Adirem
I think that when you use it for one or two hours a day, it is good to get used to it, but when you go to 9 hours a day, your balls are not used to it and that is why the pain comes, and the weight is too much, rest for a few days and gradually increase time

Thanks for the advice!

Hi I have been stretching for the last 20 years and found that trying to stretch with heavy weights is a no no. It is a gradual process which will take a long time. There is NO quick way of doing it otherwise you can and will do some damage. I gave now stretched my balls to some 8in. That has taken a long time and much care. Just remember that your balls are already being pull down by the earth magnetic field. That’s why you see old folks with balls hanging down. 🤣. I have put on heavy weights but for a really short time. I have found getting a number of different weights some 7oz, 15oz, 22oz. And using them at different time is best. I had a 40 oz and only wore it on its own. I am now on maintenance and would wear say 30 oz while asleep and a 22oz for most of the day. Take your time it is not a race. After all you are playing with your jewels. Good luck.

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