Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.


Thanks ChuckR

Me too. I’ve been getting between 4 and 8 junk mail messages a day since a few days after my order arrived. All to do with cialis and viagra. So bloody annoying.

I don’t know what to do, ?? Their a great place to order from.but the spam!! Think I’ll call them at friggin’ 4am their time to complain like they called me at 5:am the other morning!

Their reply:
This is with reference to your mail.

As I had already informed you that the server company is investigating the issues. We have already included various security measures such as Captcha codes. From Monday, our server will also have Alpha Server Security which includes various high end security features and additional fire-walls.

I would request you to please give us a chance.

With warm regards


The same think happened to me with the spam. And now I’m going through the same thing after I ordered some hair stuff from someone else, I had to turn my spam filter up all the way. I was getting 20 a day for soft Viagra and super Viagra.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

As I mentioned, I dislike spammers with a passion!I do think allday is trying to fix things.probably had a guy on the dashboard who needed some extra $$ & was selling emails. I will re-enstate them, as they are a great place to order from.

I think we just need to create a throw-away Yahoo or other email address, and just use it for an ADC order. Once you received the order, if it’s ok, you can just delete that address, or never go back to check it again.

Until this time, I’ve actually had very good experience ordering things online and not getting deluged with spam. But it seems pretty clear that ADC itself is doing this, or one of their employees or shippers has compromised them.

The issue is being dealt with.allday is perhaps the better of all the sites to order from. But, spamming isn’t allowed !!

I’ve added them back to the homepage.we have been emailing.they are dealing with the problem.I believe someone was selling emails.shit happens.

In the meantime- I’m headed for, won’t be able to keep things up to par. I have friends that will perhaps help out.
Meanwhile.hope the best to all .and kill all spammers! Peace n all that to all my buds

Ps: if my insurance is good.but my god.$120 a week paying for insurance! If not, I’ll do just hit ER and hope they don’t kick me out after 2 days !

Good luck with your rehab webslave. Does that mean you won’t be able to visit thunders for a while?

I hope you aren’t going due to an addiction to ED meds!

Horny Bastard

Seems the rehab is up in the health amost $500 a month.won’t cover rehab!! So, I have to work around it somehow? I’ll be calling and talking with Amy Winehouse about it.

Sometimes an employer will cover rehab as part of an employee asistance program if you ask for help.

Horny Bastard

I have used ADC, and I too got a surge in spam afterwards. I hadn’t put two and two together until now. I will give them a call — they always have been so professional, courteous, and responsive regarding customer service in past. I expect they are attempting to remedy this problem, but we shall see.

Webslave, would you care to share any about rehab? That is, what are you going for? If this is too personal, please disregard. I don’t mean to pry, but am interested and wish you the very best. I have enjoyed a number of your posts in the past, as well as your homepage. I often work with chemical dependency patients. Anyways, best of luck to ya!

7.8 x 5.4 (goal by November 1, 2020)

In regard to the spam.they have sent me various spam filters,,,some free, some cost $$.thats the bitch of the situation here which piss’es me off. The problem isn’t my need of a spam’s on their end.someone is selling email address’es!!

Zarthustra,,,will chat on the rehab for now.I’m removing ADC from my page.”their blaming us and our spam filters, not themselves”. Piss me off !


From ADC:
Thank you for the recent mail.

We had recommended certain spam-filter softwares such as Google’s Postini () or Cloudmark (Messaging security for evolving threats | Cloudmark EN) or SpamWall (SpamWall Spam Firewall / Spam Filtering Service / Spam Virus Mailware Ransomware Filter / Outbound Spam Filtering / Email Security / Spam Appliance). Please note that Google’s Postini service have various plans from US$ 3.00 - US$ 35.00.

Of course their not taking no responibility of an employee selling our email addresses. They will be taken off my homepage.if you wish to order from them.thats fine, but I’m not endorsing spammers.
Perhaps the very person I talked to on the phone is maybe the one doing the selling of our address’es!


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