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Fountain of Youth

You can buy the unit separately or as a kit of various things which have a motor unit a whisk attachment and the mill. Don’t know how much they are but guess around £20. The whisk is Ok for omelets etc. so it’s not a one off thing

Departmental stores are worth a visit; personal or internet.

I wonder if the dissolving thing has anything to do with ornithine’s requirement of water. If it takes up water easily then it may require a very dry atmosphere to cap them.

Just a thought. Anyway, have fun!

Thanks Sparkyx for sort of bumping this.

The dude at the supplement store I just went to suggested I buy Acetyl L-Carnitine online through this place: This is a very good price if you can capsule it yourself: http://www.1fas … products_id=669

Looks like they have a lot of other fun and expensive chemistry projects there.

I’ve got nothing but praise for They have some of the best prices, a stock list that reflects their buyers requests, and a shipping service that keeps you up to date via email on status, and also allows tracking. I got a delivery today in the UK from US which was ordered on sunday night and arrived on my doorstep Wednesday morning (FedEx).

Fountain of Youth = Do the right thing during your youth. Don’t wait until your older. Do it now for later.

Eat right, no drugs,no cig’s,no caffeine,watch the alcohol. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, get off your ass ( speaking from experience ). I’ve abused all the above and although I’m turning 31 in a few short days, I can see the effects. Be good to yourself now. If your training and eating right, you don’t need supplements. You can’t stay on them forever.

I’m still doing this and sleeping very well, I haven’t had the time to me consistent at the gym of late but my strength was up when I was.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Ah the strength benefits of a good night’s slumber. I do miss them so. In the tenderness of my youth, when sleep could be easily had, I was something of a powerhouse. But today, with a bigger frame, I’m just a shadow of my former self.

I’m going to give this cocktail a try.

Let us know how it works for you Huff :)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

I tried this with very accurate measurements of the ingrediens, and I managed to get severe indigestion with reflux, a very bad feeling in stomach all the way down to anus. tried it at various levels of dosage, with same results.

I note that the normal dosage of N-acetyl is with food. I assume this is because it is very acidic.
- try taking a sngff of the powder and note the acid reaction there.

It made no difference to my sleeping habit. I often wake up at 5am and cannot get to sleep.

I might give the Acer a try as recommended on the packet, but I’m into other things at present.

Sad, as I was hoping for something good, but it doesn’t seem to work for me.


What size caps do you guys use “0” or “00”?

I would really love to mix some of this stuff up and give it to my parents!


I just open it and shake a little in a glass about three taps I have it down pretty good where one pill last about 14 days.

After telling huff about how good I was sleeping I had trouble sleeping last night but I just have some much shit on my mind right now that it’s just hard for me to relax. I have slept much better though I hardly ever get a bad night anymore and my bad nights used to be almost every night

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


I have got none of those symptoms at all

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

This might sound silly but..

Can you not buy this mixture in a pill form from somewhere to by-pass all the mixing headaches?? I’d like to no if I could purchase these “magic pills” from a store or on-line if someone has this knowledge??

Originally Posted by haha
This might sound silly but..

Can you not buy this mixture in a pill form from somewhere to by-pass all the mixing headaches?? I’d like to no if I could purchase these “magic pills” from a store or on-line if someone has this knowledge??

Nope, I don’t think you can buy them at all and it is really easy once you get it down

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

-Still bitter the y2k bug was a dud.

-My dear boy, do you ask a fish how it swims? (No.) Or a bird how it flies? (No.) Of course not. They do it because they were born to do it...


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