Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

My Extenze Daily Log

Day 16:

Well, I have to say, I am very happy with the results so far. I poked wifey last night, very hard and it lasted for a long time. I was able to just keep screwing her until she came. And she came hard! I usually have to stop because I am ready to cum before she does. So, that is definately a plus that I have seen a difference in.

I am walking around with a bigger dick these days. I am not saying this stuff has made my dick bigger, however, my flaccid is much larger and hangs better. Also, the head on my dick normally looks like a big mushroom, it is much bigger around than my shaft. Not lately though. My shaft is a lot bigger than the head.

As far as a bigger boner, I don’t see any difference except that it is much harder and it really fills her up. It fills her up big time! But it is a lot harder and therefore, bigger. I am not convinced that it is making my dick grow, but I am getting the benefits of good blood flow and a super boner!

I am happy and impressed thus far.

Do you use the normal extenze or the maximum strength?

Originally Posted by baller9011
Do you use the normal extenze or the maximum strength?

I got the maximum strength

Would you say that the product has kept you in a max state, fluffy and full?

Originally Posted by androNYC
Would you say that the product has kept you in a max state, fluffy and full?

Yes I would say that. As a matter of fact, I was going to edit my last post. I took a shower this morning and did some jelqs and WOW! My dick is not just bigger, it is a lot bigger! It also feels hot inside, like when I take Cialis.

I still think this stuff is an excellent PE tool.

Interesting thread. I didn’t expect this stuff to actually have anywhere near the effect you posted VVC. So has there been any measureable increase in erect (not flaccid) size?

PEing since Jan 1st, 2003

I’ve been looking at it on the Net. It seems that there are a lot of companies that are ripping it off and ripping off the customers. They find it almost impossible to cancel the automatic re-order on their cards. They are probably also making a counterfeit product with crap ingredients.

So, guys if you are thinking about trying this, make very sure you have the right site.

What makes you think the “real” site is any better than the fake sites? They are marketing this stuff as a penis enlargement pill, which means they are lying scumbags.

Horny Bastard

VVC you said earlier that you were able to buy this stuff at a store. What store actually sells it? I’d much rather be able to buy it in a store to try rather than deal with some company auto billing me again and again.

Start 6/13/08 NBPEL = 5 EG=5.25 NBPFL=3.5 FG=4.5 Now 8/5/08 NBPEL = 5.5 EG=5.25 NBPFL=4 FG=4.75Goal NBPEL=7 EG=5.5 NBPFL=5 FG=4.75

My Pics/Log

I’ve been looking towards eBay. It’s like 30 dollars with no shipping. I will probably buy it for my next month of PE and finish this one without.

Well If I intend to have it for my next month of PE, Then I will need it by the 22nd. Which means I should probably order it on the 18th. Vinnie has 12-13 days(depending on your time zone) to share with us any negative side effects from it. If not Vinnie and I will hopefully be sharing some of the same qualities. I am looking at Extenze to help me with my “Rapid Ejaculation” problem as well, even if I know it’s just mental. But I will heed your advice Thunder. There is an old saying that goes: With PE age comes Wisdom. :-)


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