Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Can You Guys believe this Drug?!?

Originally Posted by bluray
I just realized how reckless it is to name a reliable source of research chemicals on a forum such as this, I am used to talking about it on the body building forums where guys generally have knowledge on drug use, so if anyone gets it in their head that they want to try a certain drug educate yourself heavily on the drug, how it works, negative effects (they all have them especially if you do not know how to manage them!) Of course Cialis and Viagra is pretty safe but other drugs that alter your hormones the average joe may not know about the side effects and possible consequences of a hormone rebound. (imagine what some bitch tits will do for your self esteem!)

That’s some good advice, a warning well worth taking.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Originally Posted by Jafar_t

The pituitary gland in the brain produces prolactin.

Yes, but I wonder what region of nerves or what combination of nerves has to give the signal to the pituitary.

Current size: BPEL: 7.9" EG: 6.75"

Realistic goal: BPEL: 9.25" EG: 7.5"

Unrealistic surgical goal: 12" x 8.5" :)

I’ve been curious about pt141 and cabergoline for a while, just ordered some of that prami stuff from meso, I’ll let you guys know what I find.

Preliminary report on prami:

It arrived in the mail this morning, I had this girl I know still around from last night. I took .25mg and had a session with her about 40 minutes later. But it was my first and only session of that day so it’s a little hard to get any info from that.

2-3 hours later, profound sleepiness kicked in. And throughout the day I found myself easily and accidentally becoming aroused (merely getting a text message from a girl of a non sexual nature and without my mind wandering was enough to cause a semi erection (her face did appear in the contacts at least). It is worth mentioning that I had taken 20mg of cialis about 36 hours prior to that so it’s effects would be non negligible, but they certainly don’t do THAT to me under normal circumstances.

Tomorrow will be a better field test of this stuff. I’ll be going to bed late tonight and taking .5mg late this evening, well probably between 2 and 5 am, and then tomorrow be spending the evening with a girl I tend to have better sex with anyway. Before bed is the most common protocol I’ve read about. It seems the half life of pramipexole is 8-12 hours. That sounds a little tricky with a drug that at onset causes such sleepiness that almost everyone takes it before bed, given that most of us do most of our fornicating at night, come the next evening you’re down to around half strength.

As for me I almost always wake up half way through the night and then can’t sleep again, so I’ll wait until then, may turn out to be a double blessing for me. I’ll let you know.

Originally Posted by jackman2020

It seems the half life of pramipexole is 8-12 hours. That sounds a little tricky with a drug that at onset causes such sleepiness that almost everyone takes it before bed, given that most of us do most of our fornicating at night, come the next evening you’re down to around half strength.

Correction: more like 1/4 strength

Evening with her began at just about exactly 12 hours after .5mg prami and 17 hours after 20 mg cialis. Performance was poor. Difficult to judge efficacy of prami because I’ve been averaging 3 or 4 hours of sleep per night for about two weeks, and because with my peyronie’s/ venous leak/ muscle tension problems performance has a certain degree of inconsistency anyway, aside from the general downgrade.

Two evenings from now I’ll be with my favorite girl, ( yep, I womanize about as well as I guy with a semi functional dick can ) and if I’ve slept well hopefully I can give a better evaluation of prami’s properties.

Results disappointing, despite having slept very well (for which prami probably deserves some credit)

Not only did the remaining amount of prami in my body from the previous evening fail to increase my sex drive in any noticeable way, but because I was staying the night with her, it had an opportunity to work it’s magic shortly after the administration of another .5mg as well….nah, didn’t go well, worse than usual frankly.

I probably should have worked my way up to .5mg more slowly than I have, I’m going to give this stuff about another week try to start working well for me, then if it doesn’t I’m going to taper off of it. Maybe I’ll try some cabergoline down the line.


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