Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Erectile Dysfunction (ED) Sites

Most sites are having issues with visa lately but I found one that will take my visa without a prescription for Viagra hXXp://

Last edited by Lenny : 09-20-2019 at . Reason: Link removed

I have been using this company and have been really happy with their version of Cialis.


Last edited by Lenny : 09-20-2019 at . Reason: Link removed

Yes, you are absolutely right. Erectile Dysfunction is a short or long-term problem. Erectile Dysfunction is the most common issue in men nowadays. There are many medications for treating erectile Dysfunction.

Sildenafil Citrate, Tadalafil, and Vardenafil are the most used medications to treat Erectile Dysfunction. These are the generic medications to treat erectile dysfunction. Sildenafil is also known as Viagra. The same thing in Tadalafil, Tadalafil is also known as Cialis.

Kamagra Oral Jelly is the most used medication to treat Erectile Dysfunction. May you would like to read more about Kamagra Oral Jelly which is one of the most used medications to treat Erectile Dysfunction.

Last edited by Lenny : 11-17-2019 at .

Hi guys, I’m just sharing with you a helpful article that I wrote on the subject of ED, you can read it here, I will report the text below shortly:

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Last edited by peaveyspecial : 01-18-2020 at . Reason: Delete a non allowed direct link.

If you want legit then I recommend Bluechew they are now legal in most states to prescribe viagra online

This thread really help me. Thanks.

So something Doctors do when they diagnose ED is an ultrasound of your penis, the exam is called the penile doppler. I was diagnosed with arterial insufficiency(ED) through this exam. They pretty much separate ED causes between psychogenic ED and organic ED. Which is pretty much equivalent to saying psychological ED or physical ED. My question is, can severe forms of depression go from causing psychogenic ED into causing Organic ED. Depression can have severe physical symptoms perhaps some influencing your erectile function. I read a study saying that depression drastically suppresses nocturnal erections which makes me think that is more physical because you’re out cold when it’s happening. I’m asking this because at the time of my exam I was dealing with severe depression. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!

No doubt depression has an effect on EQ and specifically cause ED. In a round about way it could lead to organic ED if you don’t take care of your health proper and in particular fix your depression.

Originally Posted by Tim_Topple
So something Doctors do when they diagnose ED is an ultrasound of your penis, the exam is called the penile doppler. I was diagnosed with arterial insufficiency(ED) through this exam. They pretty much separate ED causes between psychogenic ED and organic ED. Which is pretty much equivalent to saying psychological ED or physical ED. My question is, can severe forms of depression go from causing psychogenic ED into causing Organic ED. Depression can have severe physical symptoms perhaps some influencing your erectile function. I read a study saying that depression drastically suppresses nocturnal erections which makes me think that is more physical because you’re out cold when it’s happening. I’m asking this because at the time of my exam I was dealing with severe depression. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated!!

Originally Posted by zy
No doubt depression has an effect on EQ and specifically cause ED. In a round about way it could lead to organic ED if you don’t take care of your health proper and in particular fix your depression.

Hey zy, I think you’re totally right but what about depression directly causing physical changes that interfere with sexual function. For example anxiety is psychological but when it escalates to a panic attack you start seeing physical changes. Shortness of breath, tightness in chest, dizziness and for some a 911 phone call, mistaking a panic attack for a heart attack. My diagnoses was mixed, psychogenic/organic but I dont know about percentages or how accurate these machines are.

Hormonally yes, depression can cause ED physical/hormonally. The long term effect of depression years in the making could remodel the arterial walls in your body and penis via your daily habits.

Not sure what your age is, but there is redemption and requires you figure yourself out, get out of depression, take care of your health and take charge of your life, find your passion and things will change dramatically for you.

Originally Posted by Tim_Topple
Hey zy, I think you’re totally right but what about depression directly causing physical changes that interfere with sexual function. For example anxiety is psychological but when it escalates to a panic attack you start seeing physical changes. Shortness of breath, tightness in chest, dizziness and for some a 911 phone call, mistaking a panic attack for a heart attack. My diagnoses was mixed, psychogenic/organic but I dont know about percentages or how accurate these machines are.

I’m 30, my situation is complicated but I’m trying… thanks for the advice though :)

So uh.. Yeah..

I registered a couple years ago I think but been.. Dormant, until now. Never used it really. But lately I kinda started improving upon my life so I decided to give it a go again..

I’ve had trouble getting up for.. Round about 5-6 years now. I am 24.

It all began shortly after moving out with 18.

My erections began to grow weaker, unstable, nowadays I don’t even have morning wood anymore. Sometimes, very rarely, like once or twice a month maybe.

I’ve been at a doctors, he used ultrasound and said I was physically healthy. Yay.

I have a rather low libido when it comes to sex, even though I somehow managed to do it with two girls during that time.

I am physically healthy, albeit a bit of endurance problems.

My diet is honestly shit, but my metabolism is able to compensate, I’d say. Not done sports in ages, but then again I never had problems with anything while living with my parents and I didn’t do much sport back then either.

Something I noticed is that my arms and legs “fall asleep” easier than before.

I tried pulls, but honestly, I’m 24 I should not need them. I tried out PE a couple years ago, managed to gain one measly centimeter, then stopped, I don’t even know if I kept it.. Thing is, right now I can’t get it up for proper jelqing so I’m trying to get back into PE but its just.. Hard, ironically enough.

I just don’t know what to do at this point.


“Something I noticed is that my arms and legs “fall asleep” easier than before.”

Could be neuropathy or vascular problems, especially with the numbness. Ask a doctor to get a hbgA1C done to check for diabetes. CBC and CMP and cholesterol aren’t a bad ideas either. Many doctors won’t think to check it at your age.

“I have a rather low libido when it comes to sex, even though I somehow managed to do it with two girls during that time.”

Ask for a Free Testosterone test. Not that it won’t cost anything, but at your age you should be horny as hell.

“It all began shortly after moving out with 18.”

On anti-depressants? Street drugs? They can do it to you.

I’m not diagnosing you, just some suggestions that might rule some things out. Just having nasty depression can do it to you to.

Originally Posted by Headrow
So uh.. Yeah..

I registered a couple years ago I think but been.. Dormant, until now. Never used it really. But lately I kinda started improving upon my life so I decided to give it a go again..

I’ve had trouble getting up for.. Round about 5-6 years now. I am 24.

It all began shortly after moving out with 18.

My erections began to grow weaker, unstable, nowadays I don’t even have morning wood anymore. Sometimes, very rarely, like once or twice a month maybe.

I’ve been at a doctors, he used ultrasound and said I was physically healthy. Yay.

I have a rather low libido when it comes to sex, even though I somehow managed to do it with two girls during that time.

I am physically healthy, albeit a bit of endurance problems.

My diet is honestly shit, but my metabolism is able to compensate, I’d say. Not done sports in ages, but then again I never had problems with anything while living with my parents and I didn’t do much sport back then either.

Something I noticed is that my arms and legs “fall asleep” easier than before.

I tried pulls, but honestly, I’m 24 I should not need them. I tried out PE a couple years ago, managed to gain one measly centimeter, then stopped, I don’t even know if I kept it.. Thing is, right now I can’t get it up for proper jelqing so I’m trying to get back into PE but its just.. Hard, ironically enough.

I just don’t know what to do at this point.

What type exercise do you engage in? You mentioned that you are healthy but then go on to say you have an endurance problem and your diet is poor. It seems to me that you might benefit from a good cardio program.

Initial: 7” BPEL; 6” NBPEL; 5.25” - 5.5” MEG

Current: 7-7/8” BPEL; 7-3/8” NBPEL; 8.5” BPFSL; 6.5” MEG; 6”x5” Flaccid.

Goal: Improved/consistent EQ while managing ED. Secondary: maintain current stats.

Loosing orgasm

Hey guys! Have any of you also lost your orgasm? I had suffered from ED for years but a pencil injection has allowed me to have normal intercourse with my wife; but it has been more than a 6-months since I start experienced a lack of orgasm sensation. I can ejaculate but it is like peeing.. I just feel the release but not the orgasm and that is frustrating. I went to a doctor and he recommended Pelvic floor therapy. The therapist did her evaluation and she said that could be due to porn and excessive masturbation. I didn’t feel that I had issues with any of them; but I decided to stop both of them. I have been 4-months without porn and masturbation; but I have not seen any improvement. Have any of you ever experienced something similar?


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