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Smoking Cigs With A Rock Hard Erection!


Smoking Cigs With A Rock Hard Erection!

Hey all, let me start by saying that I have been in an on and off relationship with smoking cigarettes for over 15 years now. Once I found this site it really motivated me to quit smoking, and I did just that….Until now. I have started back smoking again for about a month now and I’m pissed off about it.

The purpose for my post is to ask if there are any smokers here in the PE world, and if so, how is your erection quality?

My erection quality started to fade when I was around 25 or so. Since I started PE (mostly Jelqs and Kegals) My erection quality really picked up and I even got my morning wood back. I do plan on quitting smoking again but it is extremely hard for me. So I’m wondering if one can gain rock hard erections while still smoking?

Not really talking about size gains because I learned first hand that smokers can still gain size even if their erections are not that hard. I also must add, that I am not trying to get confirmed information to kill my motivation for quitting. I still want to quit and I will, just wanted to know was it possible for a smoker to achieve rock hard errections through PE even though they still smoke tobacco.

Thanks in advance…

probably not, same with a heavy drinker. These things get into your blood stream and thin it out and blood is what fills your cock into an erection. So let me ask the question. What is your sex life like and is a soft cock okay you and your partner?

Sex life is fine for now, erections are still hard enough to give pleasure, but that wont last if I keep up this nasty habit. I just started getting my hard erections back after quitting smoking and taking up PE and exercising. I hate that I wasn’t strong enough to stay a quitter, now I have to start all over.

Originally Posted by 9inchtail
So I’m wondering if one can gain rock hard erections while still smoking?

From Princeton University’s health services
As a vasoconstrictor, nicotine tightens blood vessels and restricts blood flow, causing permanent damage to arteries in the long run. Because both male and female orgasms depend on blood flow, nicotine can affect your sex life.

You could probably try to overcome the vasoconstricting effect of nicotine by taking vasodilatators such as L-arginine or one of the NO products that are on the market. Do I really need to tell you that I think your best shot at regaining good erections is to stop smoking?

And here’s one of the warnings that are printed on cigarettes packs here in Canada.

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Last edited by powpow : 04-17-2008 at .

Originally Posted by powpow
From Princeton University’s health services
As a vasoconstrictor, nicotine tightens blood vessels and restricts blood flow, causing permanent damage to arteries in the long run. Because both male and female orgasms depend on blood flow, nicotine can affect your sex life.

You could probably try to overcome the vasoconstricting effect of nicotine by taking vasodilatators such as L-arginine or one of the NO products that are on the market. Do I really need to tell you that I think your best shot at regaining good erections is to stop smoking?

And here’s one of the warnings that are printed on cigarettes packs here in Canada.

Now thats motivation to quit for good!

Originally Posted by powpow
And here’s one of the warnings that are printed on cigarettes packs here in Canada.

That was always the most threatening warning that you could find on a cigarette pack, back in the days when I smoked like a chimney.

:monty: Don\'t forget your KEGELS! :monty:

I smoke cigars and my EQ is very good. I don’t smoke cigars as often as you smoke cigarettes so I guess it doesn’t affect me as much, but if I ever feel like my smoking cigars was the cause of me not getting erect then I would stop smoking immediately. Personally sex would win over smoking!

Then 01/15/08 EBPL: 6.25 EG 5.10 Now 10/05/09 EBPL 7.75 EG 5.25 Girth work for 103 days.

New Short Term Goal: EBPL 8.0 EG 5.5 Lifetime goal 9x6.5 PE log and journal

Smoking is easy to stop. Part of the reason it seems so hard is that everyone tells you it soooo addictive, and really hard to quit. fact is, the first thing you need to gain is the desire to really want to stop. everything else follows from that.

Originally Posted by marky777
Smoking is easy to stop. Part of the reason it seems so hard is that everyone tells you it soooo addictive, and really hard to quit. Fact is, the first thing you need to gain is the desire to really want to stop. Everything else follows from that.

I tend to agree. Once you are free of that stigma, it’s not that hard to quit if you really want to.

Well I’m proud to say that I went all day with out a cig. Can’t say I didn’t want one though. But gaining my erections 100% is more important to me than anything right now.

Originally Posted by 9inchtail
Well I’m proud to say that I went all day with out a cig. Can’t say I didn’t want one though. But gaining my erections 100% is more important to me than anything right now.

All I can say is that your are on the right track. Squares are nothing but a crutch, or an escape, if it’s not an addiction. Even the crutch part of it is an addiction. It’s not easy to quit when you’ve been doing it for many years and it’s become a habit like anything else you would do to distract from an uncomfortable train of thought or just because it’s something you do throughout the day. If you have the strength to go cold turkey then sweet. Otherwise, look into the patch. Just keep your will on top and over the temptation. Maybe with the help of other medical sources of nicotine you’ll win. Some folks can quit cold turkey and I wasn’t one of them.

Yea I smoke. About a pack and a half a day. My erection quality is fantastic, although I can only surmise at how much better it might be if I didn’t smoke. After almost 30 years of smoking it’s not really my erection quality I’m worried about, it’s my lung capacity that scares me.

Name it and I’ve probably tried it to quit. I’ve probably tried 3 times. I get depressed just thinking about quitting anymore. It doesn’t help that in my addiction I’ve managed to locate a low cost supply of name brand smokes.

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

Hey Root.
I really am serious, and speak from experience. All you’ve got to do is focus on at most 2 things:
Reach 100 % intention to quit. (This is the most important, you either want it or you don’t).
Focus on why you want to quit - but in a positive way not the negatives. Think of the gift you’re going to give to your lungs, your kids, anything.

The reason people who say they want to give up still smoke is that they want to smoke, more than they want to stop.

After I got to the above point, I decided to increase the length of time between each smoke. When I got to 4 years, I knew I could take it or leave it. To start with I only managed a few days. Anyway with this method, nothing counts a failure - which is the key to the Marky methods!

I was gonna say, RootCap's hot. - kitten

9inchtail, in the last four years I have lost five good friends to cigarettes. We were all about the same age (I’m 61). Four of the 5 died from lung cancer, one died from emphysema. Their deaths were long, horrible, expensive, and incredibly painful, both for them and those of us they left behind.

Forget about erection quality, forget about PE, forget about your penis. Concentrate all your efforts toward quitting tobacco, now!

Good luck, Nibor

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