Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

How old are you guys

I must be one of the old farts on here……
56….and I don’t feel a day over 80…..

(And yes-all the equipment stills works!)

"God is dead"-Nietzsche

"Nietzsche is dead"-God

Aging Beautifully

I am 52 and still beautiful. Wish I WAS 21 again.


21 and what else is there to look for on you next birthday. On your 16th your able to drive, 18th graduate, 21 drink. Now that Im 21 theres nothing to look forward to, lower car insurance?

I’m 19.. Isnt that cool?

Start (Aug.05): 6.6 BPEL x 4.375" EG

Now (Feb.2011): 8.6" BPEL x 6.0" EG...

Gains: 2.0" EL x 1.625" EG Way more than doubled my erect volume! PE for life. Anything is possible!

44. Still looking young except for the gray hair on my balls.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by Jman30
21 and what else is there to look for on you next birthday. On your 16th your able to drive, 18th graduate, 21 drink. Now that Im 21 theres nothing to look forward to, lower car insurance?

I think that Wisdom comes next so that you can drive smart, think right and drink responsibly. By the way, I am 38 and going strong. This is not directed towards you Jman…Just a vision of my own past.

Start Date: April '05 Starting BPEL: 6.75", EG: 5.25 New measurement : June '05 BPEL: 7.00" EG: 5.5 Give me an inch and I will take a mile!

Originally Posted by Jman30
21 and what else is there to look for on you next birthday. On your 16th your able to drive, 18th graduate, 21 drink. Now that Im 21 theres nothing to look forward to, lower car insurance?

When you hit 35 you’ll be legally able to run for president. :woot2:

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
44. Still looking young except for the gray hair on my balls.

Hey hey I’m eating lunch here man. Jeez

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Or his genital warts.

j/k :)

How old are you?

I usually feel as old as Methuselah’s grand-pappy. Most days I can’t even remember my age in earth years.

Then again sometimes I feel like a spring lamb gamboling in a field. :)

Feb 2004 BPEL 6.7" NBPEL ???? BPFSL ???? EG 5.65" Feb 2005 BPEL 7.1" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 6.9" EG 5.8" Feb 2006 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.6" EG 5.85" Feb 2007 BPEL 7.3" NBPEL 5.8" BPFSL 7.5" EG 5.9"

Originally Posted by ThunderSS
At least he didn’t say the gray hairs on his ass.

At least the hair on my ass is still black.

The portrait in my attic seems to be working so far. I always figured that I’d age quickly. I started puberty at age 9, but while I could have been mistaken for an undergrad when I was still in junior high school, nowdays I’m mistaken for a 30-something type at age 45. My brother is 3 years older and was significantly gray by the time he was my age, but I’ve got just a few flecks of salt mixed in with the pepper. Don’t even have the graying chin hair or temples yet.

And they say steroids are bad for you…

"We have met the enemy, and he is us."

Last edited by Churchy Lefemme : 08-26-2005 at .

Originally Posted by mbuc
I usually feel as old as Methuselah’s grand-pappy. Most days I can’t even remember my age in earth years.

Then again sometimes I feel like a spring lamb gamboling in a field. :)


Here is another Simpson’s reference.

On the episode “Homer goes to college” (very funny, written by Conan O’Brien), the kids look at FREE trading cards from Ned Flanders.

Milhouse say, “WOW! Joseph of Arimathea! He had 13 conversions!”

then Nelson says, “A METHUSELAH ROOKIE CARD!”

Born on 11/17/1955. That makes me near as dammit to 50. Recent picture to prove it:


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