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Anybody Feel A Little Weird About Talking About Their Dick?

Anybody Feel A Little Weird About Talking About Their Dick?

This probably belongs in the Newbies’ Forum but I’ll put it here.

I’m a moderator on a couple of other forums with subjects that are not PE, but are dick-related: sex; how to get it up and keep it up; stuff like that. I got to thinking, looking at the membership list volume of those forums and of this one, that a few years ago I would _never_ have imagined that I would today be talking to thousands - tens of thousands - of guys about penises, my own and theirs, when I was once embarrassed to post my own personal concerns, ever.

A challenge to Newbies and Oldbies here who visit and never post:
You tell me why you don’t talk and then I’ll tell you why I didn’t for so long.

PS: Your mother will never read this.



My first post

My first post on PE Forums was a “great forum you guys have here” and I apologized in advance for future stupid questions. One of the regulars ( I am thinking it was Phat or Size) gave me a welcome and told me “the only stupid question was the one that was never asked”. That has stuck with me to this day as being a truth.

I don’t think it bothered me to talk about my dick so much as I did not want to appear “stupid”. I think the idea of posting something totally fucked up bothered me more than the cock issue. So what did I do next? I posted about gaining from pumping. :D A serious fuckup in those days. PE Forums was not pumper friendly at all then. With the exception of Phat, Dance and JAP.

So I cooled it for awhile and let the “pumping” thing die down a little and have not shut up since.

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online, No. In Person, no and yes. Depend’s on the people and the situation. I’ve told a few people about PE and most listened and practice it now. The trick is knowing the person you choose to carry a conversation of this taboo subject with. You have to know what to say to make it seem acceptable and bring it up off a related subject. It take’s an open minded person to talk about such a shrouded subject.

Another Guy

Why do you think it’s shrouded? (I agree, I’m just trying to get at why it is here, for example.)

Interesting to me, unlike you, it is far easier for me to talk about this online than to someone in person. I’ve only told one other human (in person) that I do this. I haven’t even told my doctor.

The subject once came up at dinner out with a bunch of guys I know real well. I didn’t introduce it, a friend did saying, “You know what? I saw a website the other day that tells you how to get your dick bigger. I don’t believe that works.” I said, “Well, it does.” The subject was immediately changed and we never came back to it and I didn’t get to say anything more.

I know that every guy at that table wanted a bigger dick - you could tell by the level of interest in his statement because every one of us looked up when he said that. But could we talk about that? No.

How come?

And to T:
Utterly astounding, when we think about it, how many wonderful things have come to pass because somebody had the brass balls to take the chance of appearing stupid, yet dared to ask Some Defining Question. Glad for you you got that support from a few. I’ve had that here and elsewhere. It’s very enriching to be validated when you are afraid you are going to look like a jackass fool.



Last edited by avocet8 : 08-29-2002 at .

“Good point,” he said quickly.

T and I are on at the same time. I gotta go feed the dogs.

What does it mean to assume you are the smallest one at the table?



Are you assuming you are the smallest or are you just avoiding the chance that you are?? Five guys at the table, you have a one in five chance of being the smallest, and I guess a one in five chance of being the largest also. I think it is the fear of being the smallest that gets the subject changed or maybe the “prove it” statement.

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Ah. The “prove it” statement.

Do they take your word for it, or do they want see it? I am not sure what was going on at that table, except that there was discomfort. And I doubt very much that, had the conversation continued, we’d have been able to determine who was the largest or the smallest, and would it matter anyway? What seemed to matter was that we all wanted a bigger one and couldn’t talk about that.

Why the discomfort? Certainly the conversation could have moved to PE working or not working with no divulging of anyone’s size. And why do men, in general, find this a tabboo subject? I think it has something more to do with something than dick size. Even large men have problems talking about their dicks. Even with their doctors, who have seen every inch of their skin.

Here, in a forum about dick size, relativly few talk. How come that is?



Hell, I’ll talk about just about anything, dick included. But them I am Abby Normal…lol Doesn’t meen that I talk to everyone about everything, but if someone is comfortable with a topic I am cool with it too.
Most people do get weird when the subject of sex & peckers pops up. Guys especially, go into BS mode, expounding about their prowess. Or if afraid that they might get called on it just get reeeealy quiet. Can’t tell you how many times I have heard some guy doing his “I’m such a stud” routine, only to have a woman confide in me later that he is lousy, or tiny, in bed. So yea, I think that Avocet8’s story illustrates it well. Guys don’t want to run the risk of being the smallest at the table.

Why do guys, even with monster cocks, have trouble talking about Mr. Happy? Guess we all have more of our sense of identity and “secret-who-we-are” tied up in out dicks than than we care to admit. No more 1/2 baked theories on that from me.

I didn’t post for awhile because I wasn’t getting any gains. I was reading all the archives, which really do cover every aspect of PE, so what was I going to say? When I started getting bigger…and cockier…I felt much more like participating.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

Hey avocet8 and others!

Good initiative, I like conversations that makes you think about more than the technical aspect of PE.

IRL I don´t talk about PE nor too much about my dick in general, but when it comes to my dick I don´t really mind talking about it but it´s not a subject that comes up a lot (no pun) ;)

When it comes to PE it´s more sensitive though, admitting looking into PE is basicly admitting that you feel inadequate. Had I had good success with PE I would probably be more open about it, since I would feel like an authority about it then.

In general my greatest concern, both online and IRL, is that those around me don´t feel awkward, you might see me respond to some posts and think “Why do this bloody guy post these worthless replies, time and time again…?”, but the way I see it you can post to either come with some useful information or you can post to support someone, to make them feel that someone actually listens and that you are not ignored, that is just as important.


About that dinner, how many guys you think went home and read up on PE afterwards? One possible reason they dropped the subject so quickly might also have been that everyone thought “Hmmm, maybe I should check this out, better not talk more about it, don´t want everyone else to check it out too”. Power to you for speaking up there.

When new to a forum

About the only stupid questions are those not asked, that´s true, my main concern in a new forum is more not asking what´s been thrown around several times already, which I´m bound to do at one point or another anyway. If you want to get flayed or ignored that´s the thing to do. I think this is what hold many people back.

Just to clear what I meant. I’m totally comfortable talking about PE online, but only so-so in real-life:)

Somewhere I got the impression that the reluctance/inability to talk about things penis is an American phenomenon and that Europeans are somewhat freer.



"Sadly, however, seconds after its launch, it undergoes SMEF, or Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure,and disappears." Douglas Adams

Originally posted by Tex3
Somewhere I got the impression that the reluctance/inability to talk about things penis is an American phenomenon and that Europeans are somewhat freer.


Just look at the difference in their T.V. commercial’s and Magazine’s. Nudity is common in Europe, sex sells and they sell it well.

Do you Euro guys see it this way?? Talking about anything penis is more open in Europe than in America? Let us know what you think, is this just an American problem and the rest of the world is a step ahead of us??

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