Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The observation of depresion

The observation of depresion

I have several mental problems(and no I dont eat people) but one of them happens to be that im a manic depresent but for the most part at home im stable but at work my emotions often get the best of me. I get so depresed about simple things like a female Im interested in talking to another male. Then Much more angry when he takes her home! Anyway, I always come home and work out then do my pe and the worse my mood the smaller i seem. I have gotten good girth gains recently so my member looks excedingly short no matter how much streching I do. This, of course, depreses me more and I often loose motivation expecially when presented with results from the past years. I WILL NOT stop PE until I meet my goal but I really do need some help When It comes to motivation so im going to do a few things. Only measure once a month insted of once a week so the results seem more dramatic, and Work alot more on lenth than girth. Im gonna Try dld’s blasters for a month and see how they work and if nothing happens im going to try hanging. I will also work on loosing the fat around my shaft base for a bigger aperence. Any support or advice is greatly apreciated.

Hey Doc,

I understand completely…..I have a similar issue. I have many days where I look at my penis and I am certain that I am small….that I haven’t gained, that I’ve actually gotten smaller. It is VERY frustrating.

I just keep going with my PE. I found that the occasional rest day (no PE at all) helps my out look. When I do PE again after 24hours off I feel much bigger……


1999: 6" EBPL X 5.25" EG ~ 2001: 7" EBPL X 5.75" EG ~ 2003: 7.25" EBPL X 6" EG

Current (Jan 2013): 7.125 EBPL X 6"EG ~ GOAL = 7+" (anything more is fine) EBPL X 6.5" EG

Doc i will say only that i feal your pain.Good luck keeping your shit together…you know what i mean.

If you feel you need help did you try to go to a therapist? This forum is great for sharing your thoughts and getting encouragement and support but therapy could give you some things this place can’t.

Regarding PE - maybe consider an extensive time off, a week or a couple of weeks, I found that it did a lot of good to both my moral and the state of my dick.

Re: The observation of depresion

Originally posted by Doc
I have several mental problems(and no I dont eat people) but one of them happens to be that im a manic depresent but for the most part at home im stable but at work my emotions often get the best of me. I get so depresed about simple things like a female Im interested in talking to another male. Then Much more angry when he takes her home! Anyway, I always come home and work out then do my pe and the worse my mood the smaller i seem. I have gotten good girth gains recently so my member looks excedingly short no matter how much streching I do. This, of course, depreses me more and I often loose motivation expecially when presented with results from the past years. I WILL NOT stop PE until I meet my goal but I really do need some help When It comes to motivation so im going to do a few things. Only measure once a month insted of once a week so the results seem more dramatic, and Work alot more on lenth than girth. Im gonna Try dld's blasters for a month and see how they work and if nothing happens im going to try hanging. I will also work on loosing the fat around my shaft base for a bigger aperence. Any support or advice is greatly apreciated.

Hey Doc…I understand exactly how you feel and I can tell you one valuable lesson I have learned in PE is that my Size no matter how big I get is never enough when I am depressed. I suffer from O.C.D. and B.D.D. to crippling levels and whatever measurement I have been it never stopped the insanity in my head…I do from time to time feel good about myself and these are the times I feel good about my penis. Since alot of my Body Dismorphic Disorder focuses on my penis it is the first place I get down about when things are going wrong. Motivation for me has always been easy as when I want something I am willing to go for it full force…but even with this motivation when depression comes into the picture I falter and need more and more outside stimuli to push me forward. Even in my biggest depressions around my penis I have always kept in the back of my head the fact that things are temporary and I have the ability to change…Maybe I am not where I want to be now…But I will get there. Be patient with yourself…Talk to us as much as you need and hopefully we can be your motivation. I never want to talk about my shit cuz I am embarrased but after I bring it to the group I find out I am not so different and there are alot of people that truly want to help.

Link to the DLD Blasters Soon to be Triple

I do thank you for the support and when ever I feel down I like to read success stories(sometime it helps other times makes it worse) but i went to thoerapy for about 11 years until I was 18 then I had no way to afford it. As for now I take my anger out on my training(non pe) then when im less angry/depresed i move to pe. A little reasurence goes a long way and I am truly thankfull to have found this forum with all you people that help each other.

Doc, I have bipolar disorder, which also has its manic and depressive stages, only in a lesser way. I’m not on medication any more, but there are several things that have made my madness manageable.

One is borage. Primrose oil is just as effective, but it takes twice as much. They both contain gamma linolenic acid.
Two is vitamin B complex(high potency).
Three is milk. Yeah, milk. It has calcium, and that calms the nerves.
I’ve tried A LOT of different herbs and supplements, but it’s these three things keep me functional. They literally have changed my life-I have taken them for almost six years now.

I CANNOT skip fitness workouts, and I mean tiring ones, during the depressive phase, or I’m in big trouble mentally.

I’m guessing that you might be in a depressive phase, right? My own humble advice is to just try to hang in there with your workouts and PE, because many times it’s that small feeling of accomplishment of doing the hard thing and the resulting gains(or maybe even just the hope of gains) that carries a depressive through the day.
…and a little lithium doesn’t hurt sometimes, either :)

Thanks for posting—you’re not alone, we’re right here with you. :)
And I think DLD’s right—there are ALOT of us out there.

This is exactly what happens when people get caught up in the size thing. They get so determined to make their dicks bigger, that they forget about every other aspect of sex. I think if you stop putting emphasis on your performance, shit’s gonna go to hell when you’ve gone beyond what was needed. I’d say don’t ask what the girl wants, get the dick size you feel good about, and that will reflect in your performance in bed. You don’t have to go beyond 8 inches in my opinion.

Want some candy?

I drink alot of milk already so that wont help much ut Ive never heard of these other herbs, do you have any other info on them? Its not just my penis size that im depresed about its my whole body. Even though I do 200 crunches every day i still have several inches of fat on my stomach, even though ive worked out 5 days a week for the past 8 years i have very little muscle mass when compared to others who have done the same … etc Im am natrually very shy and self-consous with im sure has a huge roll in the fact that I cant seem to get layed but I have no way to get out of this mental state.

sorry to be long and off the subject of PE here...

Everything I mentioned that’s helped me so much is available at wal-mart in the health supplements/vitamins dept.
Or, you could get any of it online, like from Swanson® - Vitamins, Supplements & Natural Health Products I buy alot from them.
With the calcium, I not only drink milk, but take calcium and magnesium along with my wife. Don’t know if the extra helps that much, but I figure it can’t hurt.
I’ve done alot of sit-ups over the years(still do!), but never noticed personally that they reduced the fat on my belly one bit. They just seem to build the stomach muscles. Dieting or burning extra calories is what reduces my weight, and subsequently my fat, but I never could isolate the particular fat that I want to go away with any particular exercize like some people claim.
I lost 20 pounds this year and have kept it off. Here’s what I’ve done: I usually drink metamucil sometime during the day—the extra fiber is good for you. I found out that if I drink two or three glasses RIGHT before supper, it almost ruins my appettite, fills me up(it expands in water) is of course good for my digestion, and has virtually no calories. I eat less for dinner, and lose the weight that way. Just my two cents…

As far as feeling fat, I bet that 4 out of 5 women that you have found attractive are thinking the exact same thing about their own bodies. One of them is probably wanting you to notice her. :leftie:

But I know personally, that when you’re depressive and in the middle of a down spell, the only thing that can really help (me, anyways) is to work on getting those brain chemicals at their normal levels again. If I can get control of them, all those "bad" things in my head just begin to iron themselves out, and my outlook improves immensely. For some people, that can only really happen with the aid of something like an antidepressent or lithium. I know from experience that there are some drugs that will change your outlook in an amazing way.
For me, exercize, borage, B-complex and milk have worked to my liking.

Oh, and some girls absolutely love shyness in a man. I should know—I married one almost 19 years ago, and we’re more in love than ever and still chasing each other around the room :) I think that a guy just has to find the right girl.

damn dad2four that was a pretty enspiring post. I saw her at a work party tonight and I dont think her and that guy did anything(I hope not at least). Its really hard to talk to her about sex expecially sence theres an 8 year diffrence in us but she finds talking about her past sex life easy with me and other people. I may just go all out and ask if she wants to go at it like wild rabbits ;) Im gonna start eating more citrus fruits and fiber as I read all there fat burning effects tonight. Seems taking a liquid laxitive followed buy fiber(after the movment) would quickly remove fat but ive never taken a laxitive and im scared to try it.

psyllium husks and true love...

If you’re afraid of taking a laxative, then Metamucil (or something like it) might be for you.

It has never even once in over a year of sometimes even heavy use given me (excuse me for this) diareah, so it doesn’t cause the dehydration, loss of food value, etc. that other chemically induced stool softeners can.
They call it a fiber laxative on the container, but it’s just ground up psyllium seed husks, which in my opinion isn’t much different than bran flakes—they’re both plant fibers.
My proctologist actually told me to take it every day which is pretty common doctor advice on the subject.
It really helps fill you up so you can eat a reasonable amount of food and still feel satisfied, which translates into fewer calories…

I guess I was pretty fortunate to find Ms. Right at age 19. Got married then and never regretted it. She’s really a wonderful person.
Doc, keep looking around you, because if you do, someday you’re going to find someone like that :)

Damn, and everyone thinks only women worry about appearance. I’m familiar with neurosis when it comes to body image. I just feel that once I get my body in order, then my mind can be clearer to handle all the other bullshit of life. That’s one of the reasons I lift weights. Not just to be strong or to look good, but I feel like when I’m working out, it’s the only time when I'm in control. If I couldn’t exercise, I’d definitely go apeshit.

The whole dick-size thing I can relate to also. I know the feeling of thinking that everybody’s got a bigger one than me, and it’ll drive ya nuts. It seems like every girl I’ve ever fucked or dated has been with someone bigger and it hurts me to the core. Just once I’d like to be the guy who’s remembered for his huge cock instead of being thoughtful or sweet or nice. Sometimes, a guy needs that. Hopefully one day I will be that guy, but it doesn’t mean I gotta give up being nice or sensitive or whatever.

If PE really is possible, and I think it is, than consider me a lifer. It has become my hobby, my pet project, and nobody gotta know but me. Sure, I get depressed too, but I’m not stopping PE until I can look down my pants and not feel like there’s something wrong with me.

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