Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The power of a big dick

Russell4, My guess is he is extra thick but I’m thinking he may not be all that long. The reason I say this is it seems to me moans and groans will be mainly be from thickness, and ughs and ows will mainly be from length. Not being big or long, I’ve hardly ever been able to produce any of those sounds from women so I can only speculate. I’ve certainly overheard other women plenty of times. I once had a girlfriend who had been married before. Her ex was 8 1/2 inches as I eventually found out and I was told by someone who had overheard them having sex that she sounded like she was being killed during intercourse. I can tell you for a fact I almost never got any sound at all from her with the 6 1/4 inches I had at that time. She considered me below average size but said it didn’t matter to her. I didn’t really believe her.


I am currently living in a house where I have also been woken at the late hours in the night as I can hear the girl on the other side of the wall (the neighbours) haiving sex. I even said to my Girlfriend “Do you think she’s faking it?”. “Either that or he has a big dick” came the reply.

I felt bad because it was just further proof that a big dick = those fantastic noises that I yearn to hear from my girl, but also because the guy lasts for ages of what I can only guess is penetration (40+ mins).

As a conclusion, lots of PE and Edging for melvin!


I think a lot of it too has to do with going at it hard and for a long time. I think if you do that then you will make them moan too. Technique is easier to improve than penis size.

Ya know,

I wrote that message 2 days ago and sure enough he’s goin at it again on a Saturday morning with the girl from last weekend. I can tell from the tone of the moan and the pitch of the scream- ha, ha. I have to admit, it is inspiring to think that someone can get such a response out of a girl with so little time and effort.

melvin and beenthere - Amen, sad to admit that I’m right there with ya…I’m hoping to have the Gods of PE bestow such capabilities on my poor love muscle before I get too old…..Ltr…

Start 030104 EBPL: 6.25" EG : 5.6" Mid LOT : 7:30 GOAL: 0.25 in any direction...."I'm not picky"- length would be nice "GIVE ME A %&#'N INCH OR GIVE ME DEATH"

How do I improve technique? The first and only time I had sex I lasted about 5 minutes. About 3 minutes dogie style, going very slow. When I figured out how to get a rhythm and making her bounce I almost came. We switched to missionary and I came in a couple of minutes. I was not doing her hard at all. I can’t image hard fucking for 5 minutes let alone 20+.

Granted that I’m only 5.25 BPEL I better improve my size and or technique or I’m going to make a lot of girls disappointed.

5 Minutes??

Maxtro, The first time I had sex I lasted 2 minutes, tops!!

Mate, don’t sweat it. All you need is experience and PE.

Before I started PE, I often came before my wife. I just couldn’t last long, no matter what I did.

Now, no problems. I come when I want.


Don’t sweat it. As your PC muscle gets stronger, (keep doing those kegels, day in, day out, throughout the day, every day), you’ll be able to last longer and ejaculate when YOU decide the moment is right . And your lady will be moaning and groaning with the best of them, whatever your dick size. A great technique, if you’re into oral sex, is to go down on her, lick her clitoris, take it between your lips, suck it and lick it, ohh so slowly, maybe for 5 or 10 minutes, and I guarantee you’ll have her squirming and begging you not to stop. When she reaches orgasm, enter her then, and it won’t matter how long it takes you to come. Those kegels, though, will do miracles for you.


"It's not the getting there but the going that's gotta be good." Varg



Amen to Horsehung first off, kegels do help a lot.

I’ll some personal experience with sex quickly here. With my first girlfriend, I had those problems, definietly. As time wore on, and EVERYONE here will probably attest to this, I was able to last longer. Lasting is in your head. When you start thinking about not being able to, you won’t be. You hear a lot about people thinking about baseball, or war, or something else, and lemmie tell you, it works.

The biggest thing I noticed in my early experience, was that after I made her come, I could go for as long as I wanted, pounding hard, or not. This again, made me realize how much of it was in your head.

Once you start feeling more confident, and stop worrying about lasting, you’ll go for much longer. Once that happens, you’ll start to feel great, gain confidence, and then go for as long as you want. If your first timer isn’t still around, just approach the next girl in bed with as much confidence as you can. If your first timer is around, try to get into a normal routine. It’s hard if you’re only with the girl for one night, but if she’s a regular girlfriend, that makes a huge difference. Especially if you can talk to her, and make her feel good about having sex. If you’re worried about lasting long, be honest, and if she’s a good person, she’ll work with you. The first girl I lasted a long time with, was really great. She was kinda slutty, so was happy with a 20 minute performance. Actually, she was grateful. That said, I gained confidence in myself, and could go forever.

Positions have a bit to do with it too. I find girl on top, I can just kind of drift off thinking about other things, letting her do the work. Watch how she does it on top, and try to mimmick that. We see guys in porn pounding away, but if the girl is on top, and going slow, or moving her hips around, do that when you’re one top.

As far as your size goes, doggy will go deeper, and legs over the head will go much deeper. The most important thing is you’re PE’ing, and that will make you stronger than almost all non-PE-er’s out there, which gives you a great advantage. You’re unit will be so much healthier, and once you get into an overall rythm with pleasing girls, they’ll be falling all over you!

PS There’s numbing cream out there also, though I’ve not used it, maybe some have…
PPS There are lotsa great books out there on techniques. I got oral down pat so the girl came no matter what, so I knew I could make her happy. That takes a lot of pressure off. Make it as much about her in the beginning as you can, (pleasing her) and she’ll love you for it…

The numbing cream is now supplied in some condoms btw, Durex Performa maybe.

Hey Guys

Anybody got some more power of the big dick stories. My current girlfriend will say my dick is perfect but she won’t say it’s big I know she thinks it is but she is afraid I may get to cocky if she does.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


Wish I had some “big dick” stories!!
I did have sex last night with the wife and she was on top grinding away when I went all the way in. I definatly hit something in there and she rubbed my head against it until she came. I have touched it before, but barely. This time I felt like she noticed and then used it to orgasm. Maybe a small victory, who knows. Maybe it’s the first time i really felt it.

Start: EL: 5.8" EG: 4.8" Current: EL: Approx 7.0" EG: 5.7"

My gf has made some comments over the months.

“That dick is too big for your body, it doesn’t fit. It’s not proportional.”
“It almost reaches your belly button.” - (while standing putting my jeans back on)
“I’d compliment you more about your big dick, but I don’t want to make your ego even bigger.” My response was, “Whether you say compliments or not, my ego will still be the same, so don’t hold back.” :D

To add to this, what initially attracted my gf to me was my “cockiness”. When a chick sees that a man is cocky/confident, they’re attracted to it. They sense it and its appealing to them.

"It doesn't matter where you start, it only matters where you end up."

Originally Posted by Dino9X7
Hey Guys

Anybody got some more power of the big dick stories. My current girlfriend will say my dick is perfect but she won’t say it’s big I know she thinks it is but she is afraid I may get to cocky if she does.

Maybe she fears that you’ll go hunting for some strange and leave her?

You all are still missing the point... The story was great and all but should have ass (and) some anal in it.- RWG

Originally Posted by 789
Maybe she fears that you’ll go hunting for some strange and leave her?

Yep I’m sure that’s what it is :)

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

The only big dick story I have is from my first and second time I had sex. The only times so far :P.

Me and this girl hooked up on the dancefloor, and we eventually ended up in bed. After like… 1 hour or so :P. We were both drunk, and didn’t meet until the weekend after.

Anyway, we were talking some, and got into lift weighting/excersising, and I just mentioned that I wanted to get a little bit bigger this winter (I meant my muscles of course :P). Then she said “I was just about to say that you already are big, but nevermind that I said anything…”. Thrilled as I was, but concealing my excitement of course, I just asked “What do you mean?”. Then I simply said “Ooooooh, you mean big like _THAT_, I see”, and she made a BIG nod.

Then it wasn’t mentioned until we were in bed (again), and I just simply asked “Eeeh, so you honestly mean that my dick is big??” *pointing down at my erected dick” (stupid, of course, but I knew she’d be honest with me.) She just said “yeah, atleast it felt like it was ” And I held it up so it was 90 degrees outwards from my body (we were lying down). Then she just kinda laughed and said “yes, haha, REALLY big!” Then I said “I wasn’t expecting that, but I guess that’s a good thing”. And she replied “yes” and some more shit about dicks she’d had etc… “.

That’s my one and only big dick story. Hope it’s big.. I mean good enough.


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