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Homemade Extender the White Knight

Homemade Extender the White Knight

Hey guys.

Here’s what I’ve been working on the last couple weeks.

There were a few things about the Darknight design that I thought needed improvement to suit my needs better.

Privacy is a huge issue for me so the time it takes to get in and out of a device is important factor as well as keeping the number of separate parts to minimum.

Unlike the Darknight design, which was a very universal, the White Knight takes advantage of a much more specific range so it’s dimensions are will be based more on the individual. This one was build to fit me, and the only real change should be the length of the bolts.

The “Quick Noose” works a lot like a strap wrench by allowing the head to fit through while the device is perpendicular to the shaft, and tightening down on the shaft while the device is brought parallel.

Once the proper noose length is determined (it will take a few tries) it can be locked in place and doesn’t need to be re-adjusted for future uses or to get in and out of. Also, with the addition of the “memory foam” strip (which was cut from a new Doctor Scholl’s shoe insole) it has been quite comfortable for me to use.

I originally tried an “open front” base to get around needing the detachable bolts but just couldn’t get the base to stay in place, or be anything close to comfortable. Another option would be a slit base that locks closed, but separating the two sections makes it easier for me to smuggle throughout the house.

It’s still a little rough around the edges and might get a coat of paint before I’m done but as always, I’m eager to hear your comments.

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Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Last edited by cantlook : 10-02-2014 at .

Not bad, how much this all cost you?

I ended up using a lot less parts then I originally purchased but probably about $15 to $20 is fair, and then another $15 for the insole (which I’m sure could be a regular piece of foam and be just as comfortable.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

$15 for a shoe insert?

You could of just as easily used those jelly toe separators or a cut up masturbation sleeve for less.

No disrespect just me .02 cents.

I was working on something else when I got that shoe insert and just happened to have made use of a strip of it for this. Like I said, I’m sure a cheaper piece of foam or rubber would be just as good.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Well you have really given me some good ideas for my “extender”. Right now I have a bare skeleton with a large U bolt, couplings, 6” bolts, and my secret base but that’s even too heavy.

I’m looking for a way to use smooth metal pins for an extender, any ideas?

I have a few good inventions to work with this weekend including a new clamp you guys are gonna love.

Smart idea the ‘quick noose’.

Originally Posted by marinera
Smart idea the ‘quick noose’.

Not sure: it actually adds a torsion to the noose ‘cut’ effect, curving the penis head while choking it. I’d not be surprised to discover that thus it makes easier to the glans to slip off.
I’d suggest also to cover the springs with a thin rubber/plastic tube, otherwise they could pinch/scratch the skin.

Congrats on the graphic renders, by the way.
It’s really amazing the effort you put into this!

Originally Posted by theleviathan
Not sure: it actually adds a torsion to the noose ‘cut’ effect, curving the penis head while choking it. I’d not be surprised to discover that thus it makes easier to the glans to slip off.
I’d suggest also to cover the springs with a thin rubber/plastic tube, otherwise they could pinch/scratch the skin.

Congrats on the graphic renders, by the way.
It’s really amazing the effort you put into this!

In reality the head of the penis is not nearly as high as shown in the render. The noose drapes down slightly from the top edge following the natural curve of the glans. I can see how this minor difference in the render is very misleading. The attachment below is closer to the actual working position.

Although the quick noose absolutely has the potential to add too much torsion, by design it is to be adjusted until it’s final tension creates the idea balance between support and comfort, and then stays there for future use, without having to re-tweak it every single time.

I have thought many times about protection from the springs, and ultimately will incorporate some sort of protection. (honestly, probably right after I hurt myself.)

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Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

Another major reason I wanted a quick in and out solution is that I tend to use the extender for about 30 minutes, then take a 2 to 5 minute break and gentle massage to stimulate circulation, followed by another 30 minute set, and so on, as time permits.

I can’t imagine wearing a extender for hours on end without wanting to check on it frequently anyway. Taking these little breaks makes for a much more comfortable experience, and I can’t imagine it seriously degrades the effectiveness of the stretch, but I could be wrong.

Keep an open mind and a closed wallet... unless it\'s open to making a donation!

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