Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

JT's Progress Thread, from Day 1.

JT's Progress Thread, from Day 1.

Hey all. Happy to be here. My username is Justatadmore, which is what I would like to start with (lol), but you can call me JT for short. I have been reading an incredible amount of content here lately. Hugely inspired by some of the threads I have gone through. Invisible, Bennet, Bearded, Yguy, Xeno, many others that I just can’t recall right now. I have read a massive amount of information lately. Really digging the positive vibes this place has to offer, the energy has been helping me a lot on my lowest days lately.

I put a few measurements in my profile, the ones I most frequently see in real life is my NBPEL which sits at about 5.5”, and a MSEG at about 4.5”. I will update with better measurements when I do another complete measurement set at the end of January. So I am starting out with not much here, but even in the short week and a half my little friend has been responsive to the regiment. What is my final goal? I do not know. I truly feel that I would be much happier at 7” x 6”.

I am basically on the Newbie routine, I warm up in the shower for a while with a massage, dry off then do 10 mins of manual stretching (mainly S2S), then move onto 10 mins of V-Jelq, 2-3 seconds a stroke. Back into the shower for another massage, and that is it. I began with 2 days on/1 day off, and when it came time for the next round I did 3 days on, today is my day off, my Ligs are freaking sore. Not in a bad way.

If anyone happens to read this, I was looking for your input on If you thought a Bib Starter for stretching throughout the day is an okay Idea for a newbie. I have a 3 month window of extended time at home where I can really take advantage of a device like this. I am in this for the long haul. So also not hanging off the bat is okay. I look up to the big gainers who have been in the game for 10+, much respect.

Other than that, I am happy to be here, and it feels good to share. Besides progress, I will probably post here eventually some of the things that brought me this route eventually, when I read those deep, open and thoughtful posts here, I feel a huge amount of respect for the guys sharing their stories, and it inspires me to do the same when I get around to gathering my thoughts.

Cheers, JT.

Just a few thoughts. I was doing my pre stretch warm up today in the shower. Get the water pretty damn warm, and bring down the showerhead as I do a massage. I did a few side to side static holds while I was under the water, and wow what a difference it makes when there is that nice steady stream of heat being applied. I have read in various spots, how guys wish they knew the power of heat from the beginning, and just after what I felt today I will be doing my 20 minutes in the shower for sure. I did the V-Jelq’s in the shower under the hot running water.

I think I will do another set of measurements at the end of March. The other night, I put on some porn to test out and difference in EQ, since I felt my member was responding well even after just my first week. Not in terms of gains, but it felt good. And yeah, my erection was awesome, and the veins were popping! Like I have never seen them before! Shitty thing is I went a little too hard on the porn since that night and now I feel like crap again.

I had a breakup recently, and I abuse porn when I am at my emotional lows. I remember in 2020 I went almost the entire year without watching porn, until october when me and my girl at the time broke up. Since then its been a rocky road. Anyways, just kinda random musings for now, really excited to measure at 3 month increments.

> If you thought a Bib Starter for stretching throughout the day is an okay Idea for a newbie.

It’s not common to start right off with hanging, but several members have done it. PE techniques tend to vary in interest; right now hanging seems to be out of fashion. I suspect the main reason is the combination of time and privacy it requires. If you have those, why not give it a try?

Once you have the hanger you’ll need weights. Those tend to be disproportionally expensive if you don’t have any lying around. On eBay you can find “50 pound dumbbell sets” for $20-$25; the weights come in as empty shells, that you fill with sand ($4 at my local hardware store) Thread them on a dog leash and tie a big knot below the bottom weight, use the snap hook to attach to the hanger. And you can do a dumbbell workout while you’re hanging.

> I will be doing my 20 minutes in the shower for sure.

After spiking the water and gas or electric bills, many guys move to infrared heating lamps. (grin) Though hot showers are a thing all of themselves…

When asked what he thought were the finer things in life, Cohen the Barbarian replied, “Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper.”

AndyJ! Thank you for replying to my thread! So I actually went ahead and ordered an extender, to put a a very mild stretch on for many hours per day. I currently live alone and do most things around the house naked, so I am able to fully practice PE for the time being. Also my friend.. Water and heat are included in my base rent costs :) I was looking at IR Lamps too, based on threads I read here.

Just to clarify, I am not trying to max out and make some type of miracle gains overnight. I just have a rare situation where I have the ability to be at home every day until the end of March, so I wanted to use a device with light weight/tension during this time, to make the most of it.

You’re in the same circumstances Bib was when he started hanging - privacy and working from home. You might not always have that.

Personally, I’d get a Bib Starter and take advantage of the opportunity.

The Bib and its copies are a hassle; wrapping, having to remove it to take breaks between sets, and being bulky with sticky-outy bits. The Bib doesn’t limit how much weight you can hang.

The vacuum hangers are less bulky, don’t require the strict 20-minute break schedule, and don’t require wrapping… but the sensitivity of your glans to vacuum may be a problem. Your weight limit is determined by your glans and sleeve slippage (if any)

Some people don’t have any problem, others have to build up a tolerance for vacuum over time, others will blister at a fairly low level. (I’m one of them) If you were to start with a vacuum hanger, there’s one chance out of three you could take maximum advantage of it during your three-month window. With the Bib, you just increase the weight in the steps recommended on Bib’s web site or the hanging forum here.

> extender

I’m favor the high tension/low tension idea - pumping, clamping, hanging, jelqing, etc. - followed by an extender or all-day stretcher. It seems to be working for me…

Well for now I have decided to stick with, the Newbie routine, along with heated time in the extender at low tension. I hope it arrives soon, I am really excited to try it out! I put my numbers into that sweet load calculator by Kyrpa, I just gotta now think about how to translate those numbers into extender usage.

Not watching porn is an absolute fucking struggle for me. It is like a demon I just cannot keep at bay. I have an easy time staying off the booze, eating really damn well, hitting the gym consistently ( for years now, started off obese). But this one thing just kills me.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Well, have not taken any measurements really, but today I noticed my flaccid is hanging better and feels fuller. Which feels awesome. Maybe it is because I have not watched porn in 3 days, maybe it was the huge cheat meal from yesterday, since I cut the carbs PRETTY hard most of the week. Either way it feels nice. Been very consistent with my stretching and Jelqs for almost a month now, really excited to see what the end of March brings.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Originally Posted by Justatadmore
Not watching porn is an absolute fucking struggle for me. It is like a demon I just cannot keep at bay. I have an easy time staying off the booze, eating really damn well, hitting the gym consistently ( for years now, started off obese). But this one thing just kills me.

I feel you 100%, man. It was the same for me until very recently.
I had a major turning point in my life and thought: “Will you really watch every day from now until you die? That is pathetic”.
And that motivated me. Keep in mind even if you watch once every 10 days that is already amazing progress I assume.
I watched every day for years.

[before PE] Start BPFSL: 17.6cm (6.93 inches) start BPEL: 16.7cm (6.57 inches)

[currently decon until aug 2024] latest BFPSL: 21.2cm (8.35 inches) latest BPEL: 19.5cm (7,68 inches) latest NBPEL: 17cm (6.69 inches)

Click here to see my amazing US progress report (always updated!Kyrpa's methodology) ;-)

Well hello CB, thank you for swinging by and saying what you said. It really helps to have some support in this sort of thing. Especially as a man sometimes when you feel like you have nowhere else to turn. I have made it about a week without porn right now. My longest streak was almost a year. I hate the most noticeable thing about when you stop watching porn. It’s like your dick just stops working. Even when you go to naturally stimulate it, it does not listen. Incredible the damage it can do to us. Here is hoping to getting through February without watching.

Today I decided to up my times to 15 minutes of manual stretching, followed by 15 minutes of Jelqs. I lowered the intensity, the movements just feel really good. My manuals right now consist of Left and Right STATIC holds, 45 seconds followed by a 15 second rest.

I do not know if this is considered cheating on the measurements. But today, after my manuals, I measured my BPFSL and it came out to 17 cm. Up from 15 and change. So maybe I am slowly making some progress. Or perhaps I just took advantage of my penis being in a soft and limber stretchy state. Either way I am enjoying the process.

Thanks to everyone who swings by and comments here. I appreciate you guys.

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.

Originally Posted by Justatadmore
I hate the most noticeable thing about when you stop watching porn. It’s like your dick just stops working. Even when you go to naturally stimulate it, it does not listen.

It’s an association link. It will degrade over time if you’re patient.

Well Boys! I have a hanger almost here. And an extender on the way. I plan to do 3 sets of heated hanging, followed by time in the extender to cool down in a stretched state. Really hoping for some gains come End of March!

Hanging low till I'm hanging low.


I am currently hanging a coffee mug that weighs 1lb off my penis and I must say this is both fun and exciting. The tension is definitely going to take some getting used to. How on gods green beautiful earth do people hang 15 pounds off a vacuum? I am sure one day I will find out LOL.

Big shout out to 5.5, I read his threads and I think I have a fantastic place to start with hanging, I have a heating pad also on the way!

Like I said, just hanging a pound tonight, to get used to this. I am using the Tuffbrandz Vac Hanger. After I ordered it I saw on reddit that the owner of Malehanger did not think highly of the product, because the parts could be individually sourced WAY cheaper and made yourself. Now that is a fair point, but I do value my time at the moment and I do not mind supporting the community.

Curious - what kind of coffee mug weighs a pound?

Director, Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI), Thundersplace | Land Acknowledgment

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