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Bigger balls , any suggestions.

A suggestion

Trying a combination of these worked for me.

1. Freeball as much as possible.
2. Gently massage and then stretch your ballsac daily for 5 - 10 minutes.
3. Vacuum pump your ballsac individually 2 - 3 times per week. I use a 2-inch diameter tube which gives me room for width expansion, but most importantly for lengthening as the sac is stretched further into the tube. Done right this is a very comfortable and easy passive activity.

Previously, I had a very tight almost invisible ballsac. Today, everything hangs loose, full and matches with the increased size that I’ve gotten in my dick via PE.


Influx, i somehow got the wrong url. Below is the link to the same doctor’s response regarding men taking Clomid. His only warning is to not take it continuously. That is why the body builders cycle on and off, which is what i also do.


Thanks for the clarification. That helps. I also found an article from an endocrinology journal that addresses the same topic. It’s written for the professional, but glancing over it, it was surprisingly understandable—might be the fact that my mother is a doctor, and two of my best friends are a doctor and a vet. So I’ve picked up a lot of medical language over the years. (Of course they always say, a little bit of knowledge is a dangerous thing!)

The article crashed my browser yesterday, but I’ll try to find it again and post a link if anyone’s interested.

Also, drgmerlin: if I may get nosey here…are your testicles now larger than ever before, or are they just back up to their previous normal size that they were before suffering shrinkage?


Influx, they are a bit larger than ever before. Right now they are about the size of medium size chicken eggs. It’s hard for me to remember how large they were back in my prime. Prior to taking clomid, my balls were about the size of walnuts-maybe even a bit smaller.

I have cut way back on the amount i take now. My balls seem to be holding their size and i only take about 3 per week, with an occasional week off.

When i started, i took 2 pills per day for a week, then cut back to one per day for several months. Then my balls size seemed to max out. I might could have gotten more size by taking more, but i’m happy with my current ball size. They are big enough that one ball fills my girl’s mouth. I don’t want them so big that she can’t do that.

thanks drgmerlin. continuing the research…


Originally posted by drgmerlin
Influx, they are a bit larger than ever before. Right now they are about the size of medium size chicken eggs. It's hard for me to remember how large they were back in my prime. Prior to taking clomid, my balls were about the size of walnuts-maybe even a bit smaller.

I have cut way back on the amount i take now. My balls seem to be holding their size and i only take about 3 per week, with an occasional week off.

When i started, i took 2 pills per day for a week, then cut back to one per day for several months. Then my balls size seemed to max out. I might could have gotten more size by taking more, but i'm happy with my current ball size. They are big enough that one ball fills my girl's mouth. I don't want them so big that she can't do that.

How many months overall? Do you still take clomid?

Re: massage works!

Originally posted by influx39
For me, massage works. Every morning in the shower for the past 2 and a half months, I lightly massage each testicle for a minute or 2.

Would anyone care to explain exactly how you’re massaging your testicles? Do you squeeze them?

2-15-2003: 7.25" x 4.75"

4-24-2019: 7.75" x 5.375"

Goal: 6" EG | Picture proof

I’ve been looking for a place to buy some good cheap clomid tabs, perhaps you can enlighten us as the where you bought them from? Thanks

I did some research on clomid on body building forums. It does increase testicle size and the general body building cycle for clomid is 3 weeks

200 mg a day for 1 week 4 pills

100 mg a day for week 2 2 pills

50 mg a day for week 3

As DrgMerlin said 3 extra tabs per week should maintain size - but im not too sure on this-

Originally posted by stormblade
I did some research on clomid on body building forums. It does increase testicle size and the general body building cycle for clomid is 3 weeks
200 mg a day for 1 week 4 pills
100 mg a day for week 2 2 pills
50 mg a day for week 3
As DrgMerlin said 3 extra tabs per week should maintain size - but im not too sure on this-

Another cycle I’ve seen is

300mg (split over 3 doses) for day 1
100mg per day for 10 days
50 mg per day for 10 days
7-8 days off.


That’s what I plan to do. I did 300 on Thursday night,
100 each other night through yesterday, and man was
my load huge and thick last night. 6 gushes. More than
double my normal, and I wasn’t even well hydrated.
Can’t wait to see what happens after 3 months of this.

Could you suggesst how long do you pump your nuts for and at what pressure?
Also you pump each nut separately, or both together but separate to your


Originally posted by twobeercans
Could you suggesst how long do you pump your nuts for and at what pressure?
Also you pump each nut separately, or both together but separate to your


Hi twobeercans,

When I have time, I like to pump my ballsac (both nuts at the same time but separate from my dick) for up to 2-3 hours, taking breaks every 20 minutes or so with sac massage and gentle stretching. I don’t do this that regularly anymore, since I sort of like the current permanent shape and hang of my sac right now. If you do pump your sac, I suggest having a day off in between pump sessions The overall and longterm results are better. That’s my experience.

I can’t give you exact pressures since I don’t use a gauge but strictly mouth suction power. The good news is that there just isn’t the same cautions to use with ball pumping that there is to use with dick only pumping. Through experience, I’ve found that my ballsac can take a lot more vacuum pressure for longer periods of time without any undue negative side effects.

That’s the best input I can give you for now. I hope this helps.



Thanks that’s was helpful, I’ll try it maybe an hour to start with one break at 30 mins.

Anybody having any luck with getting bigger balls, I have tight balls I want them to swing a little

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)


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