Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Bigger balls , any suggestions.


Starting (June 2004): 7.5" EBPL x 5.5" EG

1st Goal : 8.5" EBPL x 6" EG

2nd Goal : 9.5" EBPL x 6.5" EG

Do Clomid pills taste like utter, utter crap for anyone else?!

All you have to do is pull down on them every time you go to the toilet. That’s all you need to do to increase the size of your testicles. As with P.E. Exercises it’s something you have to do routinely for a month or so before you begin to notice the changes.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Under Evolutionary psych or socio-biology a person with bigger nuts is more prone to cheat. I only dabbled in that camp with some lectures from my professor who loved to go off on wild-ass tangents.

Also men have a thing called a sperm war in which all those extra sperm are made to find competing sperm from another male and wrap their tails around the opponent sperm so it doesn’t reach the egg.

That’s funny. I may be one off the rule. My testicles are small, smaller then average, and I tend to cheat a lot. Now I am on an open relationship because I can’t avoid fucking other girls.

Originally Posted by peforeal
Trying a combination of these worked for me.

1. Freeball as much as possible.
2. Gently massage and then stretch your ballsac daily for 5 - 10 minutes.
3. Vacuum pump your ballsac individually 2 - 3 times per week. I use a 2-inch diameter tube which gives me room for width expansion, but most importantly for lengthening as the sac is stretched further into the tube. Done right this is a very comfortable and easy passive activity.

Previously, I had a very tight almost invisible ballsac. Today, everything hangs loose, full and matches with the increased size that I’ve gotten in my dick via PE.


What is Freeball? Is it to let your nuts loose? Use loose underwear? Or is it a specific technique?

Originally Posted by drgmerlin
Influx, they are a bit larger than ever before. Right now they are about the size of medium size chicken eggs. It’s hard for me to remember how large they were back in my prime. Prior to taking clomid, my balls were about the size of walnuts-maybe even a bit smaller.

I have cut way back on the amount i take now. My balls seem to be holding their size and i only take about 3 per week, with an occasional week off.

When i started, i took 2 pills per day for a week, then cut back to one per day for several months. Then my balls size seemed to max out. I might could have gotten more size by taking more, but i’m happy with my current ball size. They are big enough that one ball fills my girl’s mouth. I don’t want them so big that she can’t do that.

Man, my balls are so small that my girl can put both on her mouth.

I REALLY want to grow my balls up, even if just a little. It really sucks to have small balls =(

And my dick is really great, 18cm length, 13,5m girth. The smaller then average balls that kills me…

Testicle size

Guys, i have a nice hang. My balls aren’t attached to my body. So that’s not a problem, and so pumping and stretching and hanging will not be a objective for me. What I want is to increase my TESTICLES size. Literally my balls.

I am going to research on Clomid cycles.

If anyone could say more about it, it would be nice.

Originally Posted by freewilly
I have got Clomid coming out of my ears, sometimes use the stuff for when im between cycles if I run out of Nolva so if anyone needs any P.M me and we will work something out. And yes you will get bigger balls but you should only be taking it if you are trying to get your Test levels back after taking Roids.

And as for the sides well they are a bitch if they hit you, you will fell like shit - blurred vision, dizziness ect ect, to be honest I would stay away from them if you are just looking for bigger balls out of all the Bodybuilder I know we are all on nolva as the Clomid has had us all fuck** up in the past.

I try and run with the Nolvadex instead of Clomid as it isn’t that harsh for what I need.

Does Nolva increase testicle size?

Originally Posted by Gottagrow
>People from Africa, Mombasa coast develop balls to abnormal sizes, bigger that a baseball, they claim that they acquire this through the consumption of coconut water plus the premature pulp. Many people at the coast have this extra ordinary balls called “mapumbu” in Kiswahili<

Can somebody try this out and see if it works? Maybe a member who lives in a tropical country can volounteer for the sake of PE research, and bigger balls ofcourse? Ofcourse, if it does work, you might want to stop when your balls reach a certain size, because I don’t know many people who would want balls the size of baseballs. But if it did work, it would surely take months/years to get them that huge anyway.

I would try it myself but I don’t know how fresh the coconuts would have to be to work, if it did work, and I can’t get hold of premature coconuts for the premature flesh. I can only get imported coconuts which can be pricey when you live in England. They would be as cheap as piss if you lived somewhere tropical, and you could get them premature and extremely fresh.

Can one of our members who lives somewhere tropical/sub tropical/anywhere that gets a pick of fresh coconuts, volounteer and also let us know you are volounteering, so we can look out for your posts?

I can volunteer. I live in Brazil. I will try to drink coconut water everyday now. And I really want to get my balls bigger.

And next week I am going to make a ultrasound from my testicles, so the measures will be really accurate. And I can take another ultrasound in about 6 months or so. I am going to the Damiana also, and make some massages everyday, so I will not know for sure if is the coconut water…

Originally Posted by Phallobuilder
What is Freeball? Is it to let your nuts loose? Use loose underwear? Or is it a specific technique?

To go commando. No underwear and loose pants. Let ‘em swing like they were meant to be swung!

Since starting PE, I rarely wear underwear - not wanting to put any undo pressure on my growing unit. However, no ball growth to mention and it’s been 4 years. I’m going to add the shower massage…

I have noticed that mine get bigger after a week or so of not ejaculating - sperm building up in them and as the sperm die they get reabsorbed by your testes. If you are ejaculating too often then you are not allowing much re-absorption. Another theory to test. Try going a month without ejaculating, you’ll probably have a wet dream, or bite somebody’s head off, before then…

March 13, 2014 - BPEL 6 1/8" EG - 4 5/8" December 15, 2015 - BPEL 6 7/8" EG - 5"

November 5, 2016 - BPEL 7" EG - 5 1/4"

Be present with your routine, don't just glaze over and make it a chore. Change it up at least quarterly - just like a weight workout you need to keep him guessing.

Originally Posted by Lottoextrashot
To go commando. No underwear and loose pants. Let ‘em swing like they were meant to be swung!

Since starting PE, I rarely wear underwear - not wanting to put any undo pressure on my growing unit. However, no ball growth to mention and it’s been 4 years. I’m going to add the shower massage…

I have noticed that mine get bigger after a week or so of not ejaculating - sperm building up in them and as the sperm die they get reabsorbed by your testes. If you are ejaculating too often then you are not allowing much re-absorption. Another theory to test. Try going a month without ejaculating, you’ll probably have a wet dream, or bite somebody’s head off, before then…

Thanks for the explanation!

I am already on a no-ejaculation routine. I got 3 weeks without ejaculation, and that is very hard when you have a girlfriend who love when you ejaculate on/in her. But I talk about everything with her and she knows I am on PE. Didn’t notice any growth on my balls.

I started the massage routine now. Everyday. About 3 to 5 minutes. And I bought Damiana. I will start with the Damiana at the end of this week.

Where are you guys buying Damiana?

Originally Posted by drgmerlin
Clomid definitely will give you bigger balls and larger load. It’s a bit of a hassle to acquire. You have to order it from overseas, but it really works. It is real medicine, not some herbal concoction. I have not notice any negative side effects.

Now that my balls are the size that i like, i take very little of the stuff, just for maintenance. I don’t want them so big that my girl can’t get one in her mouth.

I’ve been on a large dosage of Clomid daily for over a year to correct my low T issue. My T is now 900 and I have seen no difference in testicle size or load. Perhaps, it is because my testicles are very large already.

Current: 7.5 BPEL, 6 BEG, 5.5 MSEG, 5 NBPFL, 5 FG, 8.25 BPFSL

Long term goal: 8 BPEL, 6 BEG, 6 MSEG, 5.5 NBPFL, 5 FG

Ashwagandha’s extract KSM-66 did it for me. I was taking Ashawagandha originally because I read on a few forums it could increase load and testicle size so I gave it a shot. It worked and then I read that KSM-66 worked even better and it definitely does. It is also a cortisol blocker so you will feel much more confident and not stressed at all in any situation.

The other method is a daily testicle massage. It really works for me, I do a 7 minute massage in the morning and have been quite happy with how full they appear to get by the end of the day. Much bigger, fuller and sensitive.

Take KSM-66 and do a daily testicle massage for a truly impressive size jump, not to mention the load size jump.

My name is sarcastic.

Hey everyone,

Janus Here,

I thought I would weigh in here real quick and then offer a solution.

First off, everyone should be very careful with clomid. They say its a rare side effect, but I’ve known multiple guys coming off steroid cycles that had to take blood thinners like candy to keep from clotting. Personally, I would not recommend the drug.

Saying that, I’ll suggest some supplemental options which can be stacked:

Vitamin B6—(please be aware) has been shown to directly interfere with blood vessel formation
Zinc Gluconate
Mucuna Pruriens
White Onion(blended) into a liquid and drank—please be aware that this is a nightshade and some inflammation can occur from it that will not be necessarily beneficial to your endeavors with blood vessels.

You can get a few months supply of this for dirt cheap.

When I tried this stack out a few years ago, my testicles almost tripled in size. They had gotten so big that my girlfriend at the time called them my “chicken eggs”. At the time though I didn’t know about onions even though I was eating them daily(there for a while I was hella addicted).

Thought I’d throw my two cents in for everyone.

Last edited by Janus Bifrons : 08-19-2018 at . Reason: addition

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