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Can You Guys believe this Drug?!?

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Dopamine agonists often have a nasty habit of becoming addictive. If you are trying to boost your dopamine, which is what this stuff does, why not do it with fish oil? Much safer, healthier and much less likely to trigger addiction than a pharmaceutical.

*bracing self for hobby’s blistering attack*

Cabergoline does NOT elevate dopamine levels. So that argument is totally redundant. It is NOT like cocaine or nicotine etc.

Originally Posted by zaneblue
Dopamine agonists often have a nasty habit of becoming addictive. If you are trying to boost your dopamine, which is what this stuff does, why not do it with fish oil? Much safer, healthier and much less likely to trigger addiction than a pharmaceutical.

*bracing self for hobby’s blistering attack*

Cabergoline does NOT elevate dopamine levels. So that argument is totally redundant. It is NOT like cocaine or nicotine etc.

Also Dino best to stick with 0.5mg for a few weeks - this stuff builds up over time like steroids.

As far as body fat goals are concerned it should work very well. I can notice positive effects for sure.

What are you talking about? From the first page of posts, "This study evaluated the effects of chronic treatment with cabergoline (CAB), a new, potent and long-lasting ergoline-derived dopamine agonist,"

From Wikipedia, to take a page out of Twat’s book:

"A dopamine agonist is a compound that activates dopamine neurons, mimicking the effect of the neurotransmitter dopamine. "

http://en.wikip … opamine_agonist

And here:

"As a dopamine reuptake inhibitor, cocaine can be considered to be an indirect dopamine agonist because it potentiates the synaptic actions of dopamine that have been released endogenously."

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I’m wrong again. The key is between direct and indirect dopamine agonists—if something directly binds to the dopamine neuron it’s not addictive and can be used to treat addiction.

Good to know, my apologies. No addiction risk whatsoever with bromocriptine and cabergoline, although I have found evidence of bizarre personality changes, causing compulsive behavior (which makes sense).

http://www.biop … x-gambling.html

And the thing that raises a red flag in the article is this:

"The drug worked like a charm, and her physician steadily increased the dose, which tends to be necessary — by 2001, she was on 40 times her original dose. "

I think it might be like many antidepressants—not exactly addictive but the body adjusts.

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

I should say I don’t think it’s wrong for people to want to increase their dopamine (or their Nutrasweet dopamine or whatever). I do it myself. Occasionally I take a break from fish oil, just to remind myself how awful it is having low dopamine. Not that my fish oil breaks leave me any worse off than I was before, but with my history of depression and being hospitalized for suicidal tendencies, my before pretty much sucked. I’ve increased my dose twice over eight years, the first time when I found quality fish oil, the second time after my weight gain while my marriage was busting up (which makes sense since dosage is dependent on body mass and I added a considerable amount of body mass).

I think it's the woman's job to tighten up to fit her man--it's lots easier for us.

Buy my book! The Orgasmic Diet by Marrena Lindberg

updates ? Dino9X7 ? Sexual MacGyver ?

I just took it for the third time so far after my first rush I’m not getting to much from it. I’m a little more horny but besides that not all that much going on. Some people took up to two weeks to get the desired effects so I’m on the wait and see side now.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Dino : you can always increase your level if you want more of an effect. I took a 1mg portion the other day instead of the 0.5mg, and the difference was noticeable. Even started to feel a hint of the orgasmic effects.. The feeling was strange, like when you would normally expect the orgasm to end, it just didn’t quite “shut off”, and felt a bit scary actually.. I wasn’t having sex, just jerking off, but I was kind of paralysed for a while there thinking “fuck, when is this going to end!”.. kind of like a mini-orgasm (say, 10% of the pleasure) that persisted for an additional 15 seconds after the normal one finished. Also, 5 minutes later I started to get another erection (which doesn’t normally happen for me).

I’m not sure how desireable it would be to actually have a full-power orgasm that lasted for so long, I think I’d pass out, or feel like I was going mad. You know when you take too much LSD or shrooms and you start to feel like you’re losing control and a wave of panic runs through you? Reminded me of that a little!

Your training is nothing. The will is everything. If you make yourself more than just a man, if you devote yourself to an ideal, you become something else entirely. Are you ready to begin?

Still waiting on mine. Just got an email that he has it back in stock and will be shipping again.

Running a Massive Co-Front.

I had a really good flaccid day again big and full and my balls were hanging heavy it was a nice feeling. I also was horny all day. So I’m still intrigued.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

After reading all the posts I caved and ordered the Cabaser in 2mg tabs. I took my third dose of .5mg today and so far I echo some of the sentiment of feeling a little more horny, a little more wired and I also am noticing a slight degree of fat loss over the last week and a bit.

On the sex side I’m not sure as we only had time for a little on Sunday morning and no real noticible difference to speak of as yet.

I dunno? :-k

Oh yeah I have notice a reasonable size flaccid as well.

Later F. ___________________________________ "My two cents worth, may only be worth 2 cents!"

Yeah I wonder what’s with the flaccid thing is the drug doing something that makes our mind relax which keeps us in that relaxed big ball heavy flaccid hang state. I know if I’m nerved out or stressed my balls get tight and my flaccid suffers it’s like it’s getting ready for a fight.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Ok, I decided to take the plunge and order some myself. This should be a real test of this drug. If it can help me then indeed it is a miracle drug. Keep your fingers crossed!!

Question though, how do you split a pill up into eighths?

Pill cutters?

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

Originally Posted by twatteaser
Pill cutters?

I’ve got a pill cutter but it doesn’t even work good splitting something in half much less into eighths.


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